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By 3:30am, So hee was up searching for the next big star of her company. By morning, she didn't even have a proper breakfast

She spent practically her whole day searching, It was Sunday after all meaning no work for her.

Around 3pm, she finally moved from her study table to get a few things done around the house and by 6:30pm, she took a long relaxing bath.

She decided to go out and eat something as her tummy was already roaring at her

She dressed in her normal sweat pants, crop tee and zipper pullover as she left her house with her earbuds in

Wandered the town with no main objective really just getting fresh air and listening before her stomach painfully reminded her off what she came out to for

On her way to best place for street food, she met Jungkook looking lost in the crowd as he walked like he didn't know where exactly he was going.

She pulled her hood over her head as she proceeded to pass but as she was passing him by two strong arms held her in place as her game as faced downward

"Min So hee-ssi?" Jungkook called out but So hee didn't even flinch. "It's you, isn't?" He asked again but this time, she breathe heavy breath out and looked at him

She was taken aback by the dazed look in his eyes. "Is he drunk? So early?" She thought to herself.

He stared at her face for a long time, taking in every inch of her face. "Jungkook-ssi, can you let me go now?" She asked in her usual blunt tone.

Jungkook seemed to have snapped out his spell at the sound of her voice. He looked at the annoyed young lady in his grasp and quickly let go after feeling embarrassed as a cloud of red flushed his cheeks

So hee looked at him like he was crazy and continued on her way when she felt a pull on her pullover

She turned around and saw the longing look in Jungkook's big doe eyes that reminded her a lot of her little brother

She gave out a big sigh and said, "Fine, Follow me" which made Jungkook's face light up as he tailed by her side

"Where are we going?" He asked all excited. "More like, 'where was I going' before you decided tagging along, uninvited!" So hee said as she adjusted the hood over her head and Jungkook just smiled

She took him to the most trendy street food market in town. The smell of all kinds of goodies being made their mouths water

Jungkook was looking around like a little kid who has just been introduced to a room full of toys as his doe eyes widened and sparkling

So hee felt cringe and embarrassed at fist but she relaxed after thinking about something and came to abrupt stop when Jungkook couldn't stop staring at a treat

"What? You've never had dakgangjeong?" So hee asked as she looked at Jungkook peculiarly as he stared at the food. "2 please" She said as she passed the money to the vendor and Jungkook regained his composure like a shy kid

"Here" So hee said as she gave one to Jungkook. "Thanks, but You didn't have to pay for mine" He said as he took it from So hee shyly.

Sohee walked ahead of him like she didn't hear him and he tailed behind her. "If you aren't going to eat it, You might as well give it ba--" Sohee said but was cut off by Jungkook, "No, no, I'll eat it" he said as he took a bite and his eyes grew wide with awe the he looked back at the treat in his hand like it was gold

"WHAT IS THIS MAGNIFICENT TREAT?!?!" He shouted in public. "Shut up! Will you!" Sohee whisper shouted at him in embarrassment. "How can they create something so good from such a small place!!" He said like the first person to discover dakgangjeong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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