A day in the life

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6:30 am. The alarms goes off waking up Sohee from sleep.

She lazily turned the alarm off then proceeded to wake up. She sat up still half asleep and stretched all the sleep away.

Getting out bed and straight to the bathroom. She brushes her teeth and goes through her simple skincare routine.

Takes a shower and dries her hair. She dresses in her normal attire

Then she debates; Jacket or No Jacket

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Then she debates; Jacket or No Jacket


Hold Jacket, Just in case.

She sets her things on the corridor bench and goes to the kitchen for breakfast. She has some cereal and puts the dishes away.

She rushes back into her room and puts on some accessories, some lip gloss and she's good to go!

As she's tying her shoelaces, Jungkook is back from his morning run and stops in front of her door, stares at it for a moment before going into his apartment

Not up to a second later, Sohee leaves her apartment for her work

While in the elevator, she checks her phone for any important messages and one in particular lights up her day

I miss you
How are you doing?
Don't worry about me I'm fine
Are you with Hyung?
I've been trying to get to him to no avail
I miss you both so much
You guys are ok, right?
Don't fight, ok?
Do well at your jobs
Call me
Visit me~~
I love you both 😘

Sohee smiles at her phone as she switches it off and puts it in her bag.

She walks to her work place since it's not that far away. Just enjoying life as much she can

When she finally reaches work, she goes straight to her office.

"Good morning Miss Han!" Her coworker greets

"Good morning Daeun" Sohee answers in a low tune.

"Ndae?!?!? Did- Did you just answer me?" Daeun says in a loud voice alerting the whole office.

"So she finally answered you" An older female coworker says as Sohee smiles shyly

"Good morning Mrs. Song" Sohee says in her low but firm voice as she passes over to her table

"Whenever Miss Han is in a good mood, There's always good fortune coming. Especially if she smiles" A male coworker said

"Yaa~ I don't have the right to smile anymore? Is that it?" Sohee asked jokingly as she placed her jacket behind her chair

"He just means whenever you're in a good mood the office just lights up in a way. See" A younger female coworker added

"Yeah, yeah, Whatever" Sohee closed the chat as she focused on her computer.

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