Theme song

50 2 4

(Play the song while reading but skip the rap part)
In the beginning of the theme song;
In a grey and white shade, The scene is in her room; An alarm clock rings but a female hand quickly but lazily shuts it off. Only her feet are seen as she walks into the bathroom. Her hands are seen picking up her toothbrush and toothpaste. Only a towel is seen rapped around her hair as she walks back into her room before She is seen from back as she as she puts on her black jacket. We're taken to the scene of her kitchen/dining room; Her spoon full of cereal is seen as it goes up and into her mouth as a smile tugs on her luscious pink slightly plump lips while she savours the deliciousness of the cereal. Next scene is by the door; We see her hair around her legs covering her face as she tries to put on her shoes with a silver watch on her right hand and a golden bracelet on the left. We get a front view from her neck downwards to her waist as she puts on her bag sideways and a side view from the same angle (neck to waist) as she grabs the door knob and the chorus starts when she opens the door to her neighbor and we finally get view of her face in a bitter expression annoyed to see the male and a side view of both of them as the male smiles brightly at her but with a line of black and white backgrounds separating them. Her on the white side wearing all black and him on the black side with a white slightly oversized t-shirt tucked-in and black leather jeans. While the days of the week are listed we see different slides put in place next to each other vertically of the girl with a bitter or annoyed expression every morning as she opens the door; when the days of the week are listed from Monday - Saturday, we see her on the street walking to work with an uninterested expression and Jungkook following her with a decent distance between them and on Thursday he was almost hit by a car while crossing the road when solely looking at Sohee. Then Jungkook looks at his watch during "Every minute, Every hour, Every Second" and the watch has So hee's face on where 12, 9, 6 and 3 should be then at "You know Night after night I'll be loving you right (Seven days a week)" Sohee returns from work to see Jungkook leaning on the wall next to her door but she just ignores him and goes inside while he tries to talk to her, she slams the door in his face but he smiles. In the next scene, Jungkook stands at a dock and jumps into the ocean, on the other hand So hee is trying to sail far away from him on a boat but during "Show you what devotion is, Deeper than the ocean is" She is startled when she sees Jungkook swim in the ocean while looking at her and blocks her from advancing any further with a lovesick smile. He swam backwards then splashed water on Sohee's face but when she wanted to lean in to punch him he held her hand which she was ready to punch him with and pulled her inside the ocean with him then the scene is transitioned to her enjoying a nice Sunday when see she's a black bike at an automobile shop and admires it but Jungkook pops out of nowhere as usual and gets on it to demonstrate to her how to ride it but she just put her hand in front of his face indicating him to stop demonstrating then she walked away from him. He just put his elbow on the bike and supported his cheek while he watched lovingly with hearts in his eyes as she walked away. As the days of the week are listed again in the 2nd chorus, We see vertical slides of Jungkook as he smiles brightly with a wave and sometimes gifts as the slides go up but the last one for Sunday where he brings her flowers spreads out like cards to the left showing the previous slides of the previous week. The scene shifts as Sohee is seen in her work office when Jungkook shocks her and catches her eye when he was singing and leaning off a lifter (Just like in the MV) just up her window then our view is brought back to her as she makes the exact same face as in the MV and looks away. Back to the black and white backgrounds as before, we see Sohee going down on an elevator and Jungkook going up on a lift while she looks at him with confusion and slight disgust; he was laying flat on the crane lift trying to reach down to her as the lift only took him further and further up. The scene transits to Sohee running pass BTS members at the bus stop with high speed and they just watch her go with confusion but few seconds later they heard Jungkook's footsteps then they all watched him run passed them at top speed with confused faces. During the bridge, So hee places a bouquet of Dark roses, Dracula Flowers and White roses on a coffin with a relieved and happy smile while the 6 hyungs of BTS fake cry (mostly Taehyung) and regret their life decisions because the know what's coming next. As Sohee is about to leave, Jungkook opens the coffin from inside and Sohee's smile completely shattered being replaced with a drop dead shocked face while Jungkook is simply singing (just like in the MV) She turns around angrily, takes her bag and storms out of the funeral room while Jungkook jumps out of the coffin and follows her. She stomps to her apartment in heavy rain while pulling her coat around her and Jungkook follows directly after her while singing (Seven's end chorus) the scene is transitioned back to he day she was running away from him as she stops to catch her breathe Jungkook reaches her but stops at a little distance away from her but she can see him. She took a deep breathe-in then straighten her posture still not taking her eyes off Jungkook as the wind blew her hair and he advanced towards her then when he was close enough to her, he pulled her into his embrace as he rapped his hands around her waist with his bunny smile as he looked into her eyes and she looked at him with a 'trying so hard not to like it' face and when she finally smiles the scene goes back to the scene in the rain as she abruptly stops and so does Jungkook. She turns around and looks at him under the rain for some seconds before extending her hand in defeat towards him (like in the MV but this time he was a few steps behind her) and after hesitation and savouring the moment Jungkook finally puts his hand in hers and when she holds it back he quickly carries her and spins her in the rain then slightly throws her in the air where she is transported to dry and clean clothes as she lands on the letter M of the book's title "My New Neighbor" but Jungkook kicks the letter and she falls from the top right into his arms as he places a quick peck on her lips and she gets shy, hits his chest and buries her face into his neck as he laughs away at her cuteness.

End of Theme Song

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