Fresh Start

19 1 0

Min So hee was returning home from work. She had just gotten a promotion at work.

So she was let off early because it was the first day of her promotion.

She was walking with earphones plugged in her ears listening to soft singing with the melodies of piano

The soft evening breeze fluttering her face and invading her breath. The beautiful colour of the evening sky as the sunset leaving pretty colours of pink, purple and blue in the sky

The city soon coming alive and setting ablaze with all the lights and street food while welcoming the nightfall

This was her zone, This was her era, This was her VIBE

She bought some take out and street food for dinner and walked to her apartment.

The elevator opened up to reveal a lot boxes in the hallway to her apartment.

*The Chois moved out already!! Damn!!! I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Happy that I don't have to babysit those energy drinkers anymore or Sad that I just lost one of my easiest sources of income 😑 I'm hopeless. I just hope my new neighbor isn't loud; those kids were more than enough* So hee thought as she narrowly crossed over the boxes.

She was trying to get over a box when she tripped over her pants and a box and as expecting a strong impact with the floor and other boxes but was shocked when a strong structure just appeared out of nowhere and she fell body first like Marinette Dupanchaing onto someone's well built body

"Woah, Careful there. Are you hurt? Are you ok?" A male voice asked and So hee let out a long sigh of relief

"I almost died there" She said as she tried to regain her balance on her feet when the guy who caught her made her stand steadily on feet in the middle of the boxes.

That's when their eyes finally met. Each of them seeing different things in each other's eyes.

The guy looked so awestruck by her as he stared into her eyes

"Thanks for saving me from an injury of a lifetime if not death" So hee said bluntly as the guy came back to his senses. "Uhh You're welcome" He responded as he rubbed his nape

"Are these yours?" So hee asked as she looked around "Yeah, they're mine. I moved in today and I never knew I had this much stuff" The guy said as he looked around at the boxes

"You DID move into an apartment where a family of 7 formerly lived so.....yeah~" So hee Said honestly.

"Are you the owner of this apartment?" He asked he pointed to So here's apartment door and she nodded. "I guess we're neighbors"

"I guess so"

"I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook"

"Min So hee"

"You have a pretty name"

"I guess, Thanks"

So hee tried to cross over the boxes again and almost lost balance when Jungkook swooped in and held her arms in place.

"Careful. Wait, let me help" Jungkook said as he gently helped So hee navigate and cross the boxes. "Thanks"
"No problem"

"Well Jeon Jungkook, it was nice meeting you and chatting but I gotta go" So hee said as she opened her door with the keys

"It was nice meeting you too, So hee-ssi" As Jungkook finished his sentence, So hee was already in side the house the door was closed powerfully shut without another word from her

She put away her food on the Kitchen island before exhaustedly and lazily falling flat on the living room couch.

"Aaaaahhhhhh. I'm so tired" She said lazily "And sleepy. Having a promotion is no easy job"

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