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Needless to say......we didn't make it in time. So who's currently crying while being dried off, me.

"Shh darling, you're okay. It was just an accident that caused no harm." She spoke while drying me off throughly.

After said accident, the lady insisted I have a bath so I wouldn't get an infection and to rid myself of urine. Her words not mine.

I know she said there was nothing to worry about but that's not how that works. I'm fucking 18?! And just pissed myself. I didn't even realize I had to use it until it was too late; yet I said nothing.

"It's embarrassing...."

Picking me up she brings us into her room setting me on her bed still wrapped in the thick warm towel before heading over to a drawer.

Her outfits are very plain. I mean now that I think about it, I can actually focus and take her outfit in. It's not bad since it makes her look ethereal and good in all the right places, and not in that way but she's very pretty. Her white creamed foot length gown to her large hat that never seemed to move not even an inch. I wonder what I'd look like with it on.

Her golden eyes that seem to disappear every time she closed her lids when giving a frustrated look to her kids and maybe even me, yet her crimson lips set into a wide grin when praising her children when they have done their tasks.

I wonder what the other lords look like now!!!!!

'Someone set me one fire and scatter my ashes.'

"Did you hear me Ymir?" I hear causing me to look up giving the lady a confused look. Would it hurt to lie? Giving me an expected look she notices my confusion letting a sigh escape her lips.

"No my lady, I was ummm...can you repeat what you said please."

Rolling her eyes she gave a small smile after turning to close the drawers she went through.

"Please with the pleasantries; call me Alcina child. Now as I was saying, I know you're a bit shaken up, but we need to get you dressed." Sighing she pinches the bridge of her nose continuing.

"Look Ymir, all I'm asking is to keep an open mind darling; okay? The faster we get this done the better." Nodding I was yet again in confusion. 'Had she make a whole speech dedicated to dressing me? Now that I have time to process, I realize she bathed me; she saw me naked!

Glancing her way, she grabbed another item making her way over.

Looking closer I make out the new item, pure horror settling.

"What the fuck is that!?" Rolling her eyes she mutters under her breath, something along the lines of "please let this go smoothly."

"Just calm down for me little one yea? I know it isn't really ideal but I can't risk it, you waited until you could barely hold it in and yet you still didn't say anything. It's just a precaution and nothing permanent." She sets the items down looking at me once again expectantly but I was not going to give in to.....This!!!!!'

Giving her the biggest glare I could muster, I whisper shouted my opinion which she did not seem happy about.

"It was one accident! There's no way I'm putting that horrid thing on. I mean it's crazy; I'm 18 not 1."

"Ymir It-"

"NO!!!!! It's fucking ridiculous.....I mean you're joking right? Seriously where's John Quiñones." I laugh Cutting her off mid sentence.

Crossing her arms she takes another step opening her mouth only for me to cut in once again.

"Now where's my cloth-"

Before I could finish my sentence karma seemed to grace me oh to soon with the lad- Alcina pulling me up so I'm standing on the bed looking straight into her bright golden eyes.

"Look Ymir.....I understand, really I do but what I said was final. I'm not risking another accident whether in was intentional or not; I would appreciate it if you'd allow this to go smoothly without a fight because we know exactly whose gonna win."

After she spoke we continued staring intently into each other's eyes until I couldn't hold it. It was only because my eyes were drying out, not because I willingly gave in.

Removing the towel she hurriedly threw a plain blue dress over my head and helped me fixed my arms through before fluffing the dress out. It seemed a bit childish......it was like one of those tutu dresses which did not help in my favor.

She reaches for the pull-up while I grab onto her shoulders to balance myself since I have to lift my legs up. Once their on, Alcina showed a large grin setting me down to brush my hair into two space buns.

"You're just adorable draga mea; lets get ready and head back down before Daniela throws a fit because I kept you too long."

Her littlest oneWhere stories live. Discover now