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Nari's pov

I followed the giantess to what I believe is the kitchen we're headed too and since I didn't have the access to observe everything yesterday I use that time now.

Her room was just on the lower level I assumed since I seen a large yet long staircase exceeding to the upper floor. Before we actually passed the staircase we just had made it to the large opening with a few decorations, furniture and fire place; I also didn't miss the chest that sat by a rug and small seating area that seemed way to small for her.

I hadn't realized I stopped walking until the woman let out a small chuckle before grabbing my hand to lead us on our way again.

"We haven't had much time to furnish anything or add any intriguing sights due to the busyness of events happening in such short notice, though I would never decline to any ideas" she spoke out.

I couldn't get myself to respond verbally so I just gave her a small nod with a smile.

A few steps and we made it to a large door. She grabbed the knob still keeping my hand in hers and opened the door gracefully, to my dismay there seemed to be other people already sat and maids serving dishes here and there.

I stand there awkwardly until the lady directed me to a seat with....

"Um excuse me Miss? There seems to be something on the seat..." I tell her but all she did was smile before speaking up again.

"Unfortunately this seems to be the only seat I have to offer dear. Me and my daughters are also tall enough to sit comfortably while still reaching the table but you aren't exactly our height which means you won't fit properly in the chair alone."

I try to object that she could just remove it but the look she gave told me otherwise.

'It's okay, I just need to get through breakfast.' I tell myself.

I watch as she brings the chair out which lead me to sit but I realize she was correct with the sizing, it was a bit higher than usual. But even so the table was even higher but I could've managed just sitting on my knees.

Seeing my conflicted look I hear a scoff coming from one of the three women across the table when a pair of hands grab at my waist helping me onto the seat. what's even more embarrassing is it has straps.

Blushing I look up cathing three smirks when one let out a small giggle.

The last had already made it towards her chair seconds before and called for the maids to bring out beverages.

While they were bringing everything out the red headed woman looked skeptically at me whispering to the brunette until she finally spoke up.

"Mother....why is it sitting with us at the table?"

'Did....it?!...she just called me an "it" I said to no one but myself while glaring straight at her.

"Daniela, have some respect and refrain from calling her anything degrading. Nari here is sitting with us because she is a guest and we treat guests with respect do we not?"

After she spoke her daughters seemed to look down in Shame before giving a subtle agreement.

"Yes mother" the three said in unison and began eating their food without anything else leaving their mouths, well except from the food itself. They eat a bit viscous.

After a bit of looking around I grab my fork and began eating the dish that was laid out, though it seemed I had a different dish from the 4 women.

They all shared a piece of meat that certainly did not look edible and a dark red beverage.

I on the other hand had two over easy eggs and bacon that was cut up? And two pieces of bread followed by a cup of orange juice.

"What's wrong with your food" I asked no one in particular.

"In due time Little one, but I can tell you we cannot survive with what you may eat on a day to day basis." Lady Dimitrescu told me with a smile gracing her lips.

Time seemed to pass by quickly when the three girls got up and scattered out of the room quickly, leaving just me and their mother.

I was going to speak up when all of a sudden the chair I'm occupying is pulled out and I'm directly facing the countess.

There wasn't even time to process everything when she brought a cloth to my face and started wiping around my mouth which left me in shock.

I mean I'm 18?! Why is she treating me like this I'm an adult like?

I squirm to get out of her grip but that proved to be pointless because all she did was pull me closer and grab my face while still being gentle with me till she finished.

"Oh I know darling, I'm just so terrible for wanting to clean your face huh?" She spoke out to my blushing form.

I was still in shock I hadn't even noticed she lifted me out of the chair until we began walking followed by a gentle tug.

We were on our way to I guess her chambers again when the blond woman appeared from nowhere going on about Mother Miranda wanting to speak with the countess.

She had let out a loud groan before rubbing the bridge of her nose mumbling a few incoherent words.

"Bela dear, bring our guest to my chambers and make sure she doesn't get into anything while I talk with Mother Miranda."

After receiving a nod in confirmation she turned her attention to me smiling telling me to behave for her while she's gone before walking away.

'Definitely planning my escape from these people. I don't think I'm that desperate for a job anymore.'

I should've just listened to that man and the Duke.

Sighing I followed the blond glaring as much as I could.

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