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"I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bore-"

"Mother, are you sure we can't just feed her to the lycans. I've heard they've been really hungry lately"

I've been woke for about 5 hours and it's torture. It's currently 10 Am and everyone is in the Main hall doing.....well nothing except the lady who I assume is doing paperwork? Anyways, I would still be having my endless slumber if I had not been woken up at 5 am because apparently I can't sleep for too long.

Now I'm sat on a rug with Cassandra's hand covering my mouth rambling out making me food for License? Le- Lycans, yes that's right. 'Why would a Lycan? Eat me. I grab Cassandra's hand that was covering my mouth and shove her hand away receiving a scowl.

"Bela, what's a Lycan?" I ask looking up catching sight of the blond who sits directly across from me. But before she could utter a word my question was shot down by the taller woman who deemed the topic unnecessary and too long of an explanation. Even if it was, that's not for her to decide; I'll just ask Daniela later on when no one's around.

Speaking of the trouble maker it seems she had disappeared. She was just here I mumbled to no one in particular bringing my gaze back towards the fire right behind Bela. I'm also not allowed to be near fire places or well, just anything  with "heat" since I wanted to play around the fireplace earlier before getting caught.

Cassandra got upset from getting reprimanded for not doing her job watching me correctly so she basically snitched on me.

"What brought you to this Village?" That seemed to gather everyones attention towards Bela's question including the Lady herself. Honestly there was no real reason besides a job at castle Dimitrescu wanting to be a maiden and leave this entire shit hole behind.

"I ran away from home on impulse, I came for a job.....here." After giving out my answer loud giggles followed leaving me confused along with Bela and the countess. Of course it was Cassandra and her snarky comments came next.

"And what exactly we're your plans again? Surely not a maiden, I mean honestly look at you. You're barely tall and I'm sure there wouldn't be a lot of places for you to clean judging by that height; even our maidens are taller than you.You probably can't lift a thing without complaining the first second in. All you do is run off where your pea sized brain leads you. I mean who is that dumb to walk right into their deaths. And let's not even start, you're just a tiny little b-"

"ENOUGH." The countess's voice boomed out.

I hadn't even noticed there were tears streaming down my face until I was being engulfed in a tight hug by Bela.

"What? I was only being truthful" she shrugged out with a light chuckle.

Apparently that didn't sit right with the lady nor her sister.

"Did you not hear me the first time Cassandra? Because if I remember, I said Enough and wanting nothing else sputtering out of your mouth. I did not raise you to be impudent no?!" She said getting up making her way to her second oldest her lips in a straight line the frown evident on her face.

"You will apologize and it will be meaningful, then you are to go down to the cellar and help our dear maidens out until I see fit; Am I understood Cassandra?"

"Yes mother" the brunette let out in a huff clearly not happy being reprimanded once again.

The lady's eyes land upon me for a quick second and her once angry face turns soft. She made a gesture with her hand that only Bela understood causing the eldest to stand up and walk lightly towards her mother who went back to sit not taking her eyes off us once.

Bela's gaze heads towards her little sister with a look of disappointment and pity but the younger was too busy finding an interest in the floor.

I'm not sure why I cried over something so little......maybe Cassandra was right; I didn't need her calling me out on it though.

Once we made it to the countess she pulls me from Bela's arms into her lap when a voice clears their throat. Cassandra to be more specific.

"Thank you Bela for comforting the little one" she told Bela before moving pieces of hair behind my ears.

The slight praise made her oldest let out a huge grin and nod in agreement in response before going back to her spot.

During that time Daniela seemed to head back over towards us with a look of slight  confusion seeing as she walked in, in the middle of Cassandra's apology.

She sat next to Bela who promised to fill her in later.

"Umm. I- I apologize Nari for belittling you and showing disrespect towards you" she spoke with such a hurried pace.

"It's okay" I tell her while being shifted to lay back onto the countess. I won't lie, I'm comfortable so I'll bask now and complain later. "You may leave to your tasks now" her mother tells her to which she does in no rush.

'What is in this cellar.'

"You poor baby, I'm sure you're hungry yea? After we'll change you of your pajamas and into some decent clothes. Fortunately for us, I'm not in the mood to leave our spot and I'm sure you don't want to either judging by how comfortable you seem to be." She brings out in a small chuckle.

"Daniela" she trailed off "I assume you finished the task that I've given you correct" emphasizing on "you" interrupting the gossip going on between the two remaining siblings. She received a nod in confirmation before asked of another favor.

"Will you be a dear and bring over this little ones breakfast please? I would hope for the sake of everyone that it is ready; Those new maidens have been nothing but trouble seeing as all they do is play around with each other." she spoke with irritation evident on her tongue.

This seemed to gather both women's attention and Bela's brow quirking up with that sadistic look in her eyes; Daniela not too far behind.

"Do you want us to take care of it mother?" Her oldest almost yelled out causing me to jump back.

"Lower your voice, some ears are more sensitive than ours and there is no need for you to be so loud" the lady said rubbing my back giving soft coos causing me to whine out.

"There is no need to take care of anything yet,  Miranda will be visiting soon and I'm sure she will want those in one piece for her..... benefits. Now Daniela, please go do what I've asked please."

'That creepy bird lady......"

"Mother why is she squirming so much" Bela asked in curiosity.

"I'm not sure, maybe has to do with her being hungry or-" sitting me up she looks straight into my eyes intently causing me to look away but she was having none of it. Grabbing my chin softly I'm looking towards her yet again feeling just a tad bit  uncomfortable.

I never liked eye contact, and never will. So her staring directly at me made me queasy.

"You haven't used the bathroom not once since you've got here." She voiced out while I'm still squirming in her hold only to to be shushed.

"Though unfortunately for you  nothing here is well, accommodated to your size little love. I can assume that is the problem judging by the embarrassed look."

Now that she pointed it out, the need to go increased and I let out nod to her assumption causing her to get up immediately before telling Bela to tell Daniela she'll be right back taking us upstairs.

Her littlest oneWhere stories live. Discover now