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• The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries.

"Who was she?"

'I slept maybe an hour yet it felt no more than 5 minutes. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in the lady's arms being rocked back and forth while she bickered with her oldest. In all honesty I wasn't even tired and only slept so I could get some energy in and she tricked me into sleep.'

"When was this photo taken?"

'Waking up was another story. Bela was nowhere to be found leading me to believe she was sent off due to the issue that was at hand. I was laying on the huge bed with pillows around me looking around the huge room made for the giantess.One thing that had caught my eye was the lady who was sat in the chair so I only caught a glimpse of her face when she turned her head a bit since I was facing her back side. But what had actually startled me was the low sniffles bouncing off the walls here and there.'

"She was my daughter, my first little baby that I've ever had the honor to birth"


"Um...I- I'm not following" I whispered out. I Had only just woken up from my nap so I am very much clueless.

She chuckles getting up then making her way towards me. "The picture you were so eager to risk your life for little one; She was my daughter.

Looking deeply into her golden eyes you could see the sadness and a little hint of anger behind them. I feel bad for making her remember a moment that seemed to bring her sadness.

Leaning over a tad bit I looked closer at the photo and remembered the lady herself looked different. I look at her for a few seconds then back to the photo earning a small coo "Was it one of the girls? Why do you look so different?" But the child didn't have those features of the girls....

"No, this was way before their time and even so, the girls aren't my biological children, they were gifted to me by mother Miranda." She smiled in thought.

'oh gifted?'

"So like adoption then? She found them and let them live with you" I ask meekly. 'That's nice of Miranda I guess..... usually she'd need to benefit from the outcome if you're seeking help.'

She looked at me with amusement swirling through her eyes. "Not quite but yes that seems like the case. They were brought back by the cadou which then resulted into them being in my care yet blood or not they're still my daughters none the less."

"Now as I was saying, way back into the mid 30's before I got mixed with Mother and the Cadou I was human but a very ill one. We'll get into that later. I was a foolish woman and one thing led to another I had the best gift given to me."


While she told her heartfelt story droplets of tears leaked from her gorgeous eyes.

"She was so tiny and an adorable little thing. The night that she was born I cried for hours in joy and happiness even if that wretched excuse of a parent wasn't there." She gritted out.

I was scared IVF wouldn't work out well for us but it did. Me and a partner at the time wanted a child and since none of us had the extra appendage that was our option but that's besides the point. We split and I had custody of my daughter Josie which I was grateful for.

Everything went well. and was perfectly fine up until 2 months after her birth. I was heading to her nursery for her midnight feed but picking her up she was limp and unresponsive. I rushed her to medical attention but there was nothing they could do, she had died. It was believed SIDS was the cause."

' I hadn't even noticed I started crying until my tears were wiped and she cuddled me on her lap. I wanted to fuss about it but now wasn't the time for that.'

"No need to cry my sweet one, she's in a far more better place than this." Holding back her tears she stands with me in her arms walking back over to the fire place and setting the picture exactly how it was on the mantle.

Turning she grabbed her cigar off her bed tucking it before heading towards a door I haven't noticed before. The patterns and designs were pretty and unique. She opened it and just as quick she shut it back.

"You can go have a snack then play with the girls while I get some work done, those humans are getting out of control again." She spoke bringing us towards the hallway leading to another door.

'Humans? Isn-'

"What did you mean before you were human and what's a Cadou?!" We made it to the door and up the small stairs when she only shushed me as we ascended them.

'Why is she still holding me I can walk. I try to squirm down which didn't seem to be a good idea from the harsh glare I received.

As we made it to the bottom I was sat down on my feet before she bent down grabbing my face softly but firm.

"You do not squirm or try to get down when I am carrying you! Especially when we are on a flight of stairs, do you understand me Draga Mea?"

'How is it my fault!! I didn't ask to be babied, I don't even wanna be here.

Not wanting to upset the giantess more I nod and tell her I understand causing a large smile to form on her painted lips. We walk a bit in the living area when a maid rushed through the doors frantic with blood coating her. The maiden seemed sickly while looking deathly pale and concerningly skinny.

'Ok what the actual fuck is going on here?'

She looks a bit out of it stumbling over herself and words as she makes her way towards us but the countess didn't seem too fond of the idea, pulling me closer to her keeping her eyes directly on the woman still.

"Stop, what is the issue?" The lady's harsh voice lets out. 'She speaks differently when talking to other people, I wonder why.'



Upon her stuttering The Lady tensed up not faltering her gaze one bit. 'I want my snack.'

The woman couldn't stop panting and blood was starting to pool around the floor. I felt so bad for this poor lady, I'm frightened myself. "Ca.... Cassandra My l- lady, She stabbed me. I can- please don't let me d....die"

"And how did this happen?" She quirks an eyebrow seeming intrigued rather than worried her maiden is near death.

"I helped ano- another maiden, she dropped....a dish on your second oldest BUT she was m-..... my...friend and it was an accident." She sobbed out. Why is she being questioned?! She's bleeding out?!!.

"I see.....but darling, no good deed goes unpunished. Don't fret though my little maiden."

Picking me up she kisses my nose causing my to move me head away but unfortunately she still got me.

"Help her" I whisper out earning a chuckle and a small nod before covering my ears.


'Um ok....' Aren't I supposed to be getting snack time. Seconds later a gorgeous woman walks in stopping next to the living corpse. "See to it that Ophelia's wounds are treated, thank you". She spoke rather fast while heading towards the large double doors.

Her littlest oneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora