21.) ANNA

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I arose to the sound of hushed, irritated whispers. I groan lifting my head and raising a hand to my skull. I faintly remember bumping my head and I must have drifted out of consciousness.

"What the actual fuck man," a voice cut out aggravated.

I heard a sigh and a gruff voice followed, "I don't know, she just really seemed in trouble so I thought-"

"Well, your heroism is gonna get our ass beat."

The other retorted back, sounding exasperated, "What was I supposed to do—"

Groaning as I pushed myself up to sit, the men's conversation ceased. Blinking, my eyes adjusted and took in the small cramped room. Gently raising my hand I traced the rapidly swelling bump where the side of my head had crashed into the pole. Trying to turn to glare at the pole running along the side of the room; I then immediately felt nauseous. I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried not to vomit.

More mumbled angry whispers floated through the air as I held my head in my hands. The sounds of footsteps and a door creaking open and shutting echoed in the tiny space. This time slowly I blinked open my eyes and peeked through my eyelashes.

The interior lantern illuminated the small space and revealed the sailor's, from before, handsome face. I shrunk into myself as I caught his stern stare as he glowered down at men with his arms crossed. His expression was far different from the warm tone he emanated from before, making me cautious. We held each other's stare for a moment before he turned his back and went digging in a bag on the shelf at the corner of the cabin. I released a breath I did not realize I was holding.

Observing the sparsely furnished, I took in the small desk and shelving bolted to the wall. I ran my hands over the cover of the bed I was sitting on. In the squished bunk bed my head just about grazed the bottom of the top bunk above.

I tried to twist around, moving in slow motion trying to convince myself that I was okay.

I have no idea where I am. It's fine.

I have no idea who this man is. It's fine.

I lost Mako and Aron the only two people I knew in the city. It's fine.

I feel very unwell.

It is totally not fine.

Each shift in my position caused a wave of sickness to crash over me. Finally, I turned to face the open side of the bunk bed and watched as the man who helped me rummaged through various things.  The man's arms flexed as he worked. Abruptly, I had a sudden uneasy feeling and covered my mouth with my hand to keep myself from vomiting.

"Are you okay?" he asked, spinning around, now concerned.

Sheepishly, twisting my hands in my lap, I answered, "When getting out of the crate I bumped my head," nodding to the pole running along the wall, I continued, "It's thrown me for a loop. Thank you for helping me. I was in... um... real trouble back there." Growing self-conscious under his intense stare I shivered. "Um. Where are we?"

"We're on a merchant ship. It's only a two-day trip to Spahian. As long as you hide away in my cabin it should be fine. I'll try to sneak you some food when I can." With my growing headache it was hard to concentrate; I slowly processed his words. Laying my head back against the wall behind me, I closed my eyes again.

I snapped my eyes open when I finally took in his words. "Wait! We're out at sea... like right now. No land? And where the in the Gods' name is Spahian?"

He sighed and leaned against the empty wall across from where I sat. "Yes, we're out at sea. It was either that or you were stuck in whatever situation you were trying to escape from. Spahian is a coastal city; a trade capital of the kingdom. You're not from the capital are you?" He narrowed his eyes at me, the deep brown iris' squinting at me.

"No," I replied quietly, trying to keep it together. He just nodded and the tension in the room grew with the silence again. Twisting my head to escape his scrutiny, I made myself sick again with the quick movement of my eyes. Taking long, slow breaths I tried to calm my stomach.

"Shit," he muttered. Taking a few steps toward me he leaned down and reached out to me.

I leaned away taken aback. "What the hell are you doing!"

"You said you bumped your head," he explained as he reached out to cup the sides of my head searching for a bump. Contrary to his standoffish attitude his hands were oddly gentle. Up close I got a good look at his deep brown eyes with specks of gold and I observed that he had a slightly crooked nose with high cheekbones. I winced when he grazed the lump forming on the side of my head. His brows knit together, "You probably have a concussion or something. You should go to a clinic in Spahian when we arrive."

I've never had a concussion before, but it sucks so far. I thought about what would happen when we got to Spahian. I would have no money. I would know nobody there and there must be a lot of dangers in the city. Shit, what was a supposed to do. And on top of that, I'm probably concussed. Maybe, my hero, could help me?

"Will you take me to one?" I asked looking up at him hopefully.

He backed away scoffing. "Look, I don't usually go around saving people. I guess something just came over me and I helped you. Don't think too much about it. You're on your own when we get to Spahian." He turned away to the door. "You should rest here for now, you can just stay in that bunk. It's mine. Don't leave this room, then the Gods would not have mercy for either of us."

He swung open the door and slammed it shut before I could answer, "O-oh, okay."

I didn't even get his name.

It came to me just then, by his harsh tone that he was a predator. I hadn't even noticed when I asked him to help me before because he seemed nice and I hadn't paid attention to his scent for I was battling off the feeling of sickness. Now the distinct scent of predator lingered.

Everything just got a whole lot more dangerous. Being on a ship with unfamiliar men was not a place to be. Eve had warned me about situations like this. But now was I not only prey descent, I was also vulnerable and injured.

I don't know what to do.

My head hurts so bad.

Too tired to worry about this whole big mess I got myself into, I laid back against the hard pillow of the bunk as my eyes grew heavy. Heart slowing and limbs growing heavy I was lured into sleep.

For the Bleeding HeartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant