3.) ANNA

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The world around me blurred as I watched it disappear. I curled up into myself as I watched the trees around me fly by. I had never been in a carriage before and to my surprise it made me feel sick.

Not only just sick because of the journey to the capital city, but the thought of what was to come made my stomach churn. My heart hurt from leaving home and the twins. I wondered if I would be able to see them again.

My chest ached as I thought about never seeing them again. I looked at the lady across from me to see her with a bored expression. When she caught me looking, she gave me a nasty glare. I cast my eyes down embarrassed.

So far, my experience with leaving home has been unexpected. Leaving the twins and into this carriage ride. My first carriage ride did not seem to be going well, it made me feel ill with the constant motion and my only companion did not seem to like me very much. I sighed shakily. Trying to get my mind off of the gloomy topics, I thought of the positive.

While I was nervous, I was still somewhat excited to see the city. I had never once visited the capital. Eve had mentioned that she lived there was she was really little, she didn't tell me much but every time it was brought up she switched the subject, so I didn't ask about the capital city very often. If I wasn't mistaken it would be at least a day's worth trip. I wondered if the castle sparkled, and perhaps the guards marched around. I imagined the people walking along roads and tall, exquisite buildings.

I was curious to know what was going to happen once we arrived. All I knew was that girls who were picked from the lottery met the Princes to see if they could be potential wives.

Most of the trip was spent in silence. I watched the window for hours. The trees separated to one side of the road. We passed through a few towns along the way, but we didn't stop. One side of the road revealed more of the coast than the countryside. The more we drew to the capital the more I couldn't seem to sit still.

The blond lady didn't talk to me at all during the trip, she didn't even tell me her name or what would be expected of me. Sometimes I would catch her glaring at me. Shy was a predator and that made me anxious. I had never been around many predators in my lifetime. I suppose I would have to get used to it because I was pretty sure the city was filled with predators.

Finally, up ahead, something different from what the usual scenery was outside. I yawned and sat a bit straighter to get a clear view outside the window. There were trees that lined the outside of the city's walls. The walls were enormous! Covered with gold details and vines growing through the brick. Towers beyond the wall rose even higher. The capital city was a  vast and intricate city.  Inhaling, I could just about taste the saltiness of the ocean. There was a clusters of wagons and merchants along the roads. Birds flew through the air squawking; we entered the line to go in through the gates. Guards surrounded the gigantically tall walls. I could even see guards on top of the walls! The city was huge and stretched out until I couldn't even see the end.

Drawing close to the gates, guards in sharp uniforms stood around waiting. To my surprise, unlike the other merchants who stopped and asked what their business was, our carriage was just nodded through.

The capital assaulted me with it's size and cluster of people. I pressed my face against the window for a better view. The main roads continued down into the heart of the city, but cobblestone paths also went every which way. Paths wrapped all around leading up and down until they disappeared out of my line of sight. Houses and buildings tucked against walls and piled on top of each other, clings to the sides of roads and paths. We passed the roads that led down the hill to the harbor. I stared in awe I caught a glimpse of the harbor with people bustling about and ships docking and heading out to see again.

Passing the temples, I admired their magnificence. The temples with ginormous statues, plated with glittering gold and marble. The crowds along the temples were dense. People hurried along; the young, old, poor, rich, women, men. Titan once told me the city contained about ninety percent of predators while only ten percent prey. I wondered if I would be able to ever live in the city without worrying or if it would be impossible because of my descent.

Our carriage traveled through the busy streets and everyone moving and weaving in an intricate network of motion. Finally, the castle came into my view.

It was breathtaking.  The walls were marbled with gold accents; much like the temples were. Great big windows glittered, taking in the sunlight. Tons of gardens surrounded the palace grounds. Way more maintained vegetation than I had ever maintained. Other carriages, similar to the one I road in, pulled up to the palace steps.

The girls that stepped out of them were beautiful. Adorned in fancy dresses and garments. They dripped in sparkling in jewelry that probably cost a fortune.

Our carriage stopped and the door opened. A man was there with his hand held out. I took his hand cautiously and clambered out. My head spun and the change of motion, but quickly regained my balance. Gods, it is hot. It felt more as though it was the season of summer than autumn here with the sun beating down on us. I shrugged off my coat. And the man gestured for him to take it. I gratefully handed it to him, hoping that I would somehow get it back. I   was directed closer to the groups of woman and more carriages arrived.

I was severely under dressed compared to the others. I looked down at my cute pink top and plain leggings. They were practical and warm for work, but it did not nearly compare to the others attire. I tried to straighten out my clothes to make them look a bit neater. There was only one other I spotted girl who looked apart from the rest of the extravagantly dressed girls, but I didn't have much time to look at her except a glance before we were rushed inside.

There was a lady at the front of a group of women I was thrown in with. She led us through hallways turning left and right. I tried to take a moment to look at my surroundings, but I was rushed along with the other women. The woman that led the group shouted to us, "Alright, ladies! Now is to make your best impression, remember to bow!"

The women around me fluffed their hair and smooth out their dresses as I stood awkwardly. Suddenly we were shoved into a large room with pillars and people seated around us. The room was illuminated by the sunlight flittering in through the large windows on either side of the huge hall. The floor was a polished marble and their were intricate designs and paintings hung on the walls beside the two large windows. Banners with prints I couldn't quite make out hung above me.

I stood on my tiptoes to see two people seated, who I assumed were king and queen. They sat among thrones, that you would only imagine from storybooks. They wore lavish clothing, and held stern expressions.

On the floor though, standing in the front, were two men. They were finely dressed, with sharp, clean uniforms much like the ones the guards wore but different.  My breath caught while staring at them. For some reason I craved to go closer to them.

I was so stuck in my trance that I didn't notice all the rest of the girls bowing down for the royals in our presence. Cheeks flushed, I hurried to do the same but as I came up from my bow I hadn't noticed the figure above me and bumped my forehead. Ow. I lifted a hand rubbing the spot I hit on a hard... chest? My eyes flew up to the man in front of me. He stood tall , staring down at me.

Usually, I am timid but for some reason at the worst times, the word vomit always came tumbling out, "Oh my gosh! I am so very sorry, I wasn't really sure what I  was doing and I have no idea you were  there and I don't even know how to like do the curtsy thing properly..." I trailed off and turned to look around at everyone staring at me, I let out a small squeak and shrunk into myself in embarrassment.

The man in front of me let out a low chuckle and it seemed like the whole room was holding their breath. He had deep amber eyes that seemed to stare into my soul and dark red hair that was almost black. His tanned skin sparkled in the natural light coming from the massive windows. I flinched as he patted my head and waved his hand turning away.

"Dismissed," He said simply, and that lady from before came back rushing us all out of the room, just the way we had come moments before. I couldn't help but notice most of the girls were sending glares my way. And I was shaking like a leaf. Great. Just great, I really needed to calm down and get this under control. I could not freak out here.

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