4.) ANNA

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All of us women were brought to the palace grounds. We were told that our rooms were being prepared. Many of the women mingled about, complementing each others lavish outfits and dazzling jewels. I preferred to be alone for the while, and didn't approach anyone. I sat on a bench and tried to make myself invisible. I missed Eve and Titan. They would know what to do from here. I could always count on them, but not anymore. I dug myself into this hole and nobody was going to save me.

So far things were not horrible, though. Other than all the other ladies glaring at me every which way. I now get to stay at this beautiful castle for who knows long. And  that gardens are magnificent. I looked up to  admire the vines woven around the building and all the flowers scattered over the grass in patterns.

I rested my cheek on my hand and look out to the gardens. Stuck in my own thoughts, I hadn't noticed all the girls disappeared. Shit. Where did they all go?  I hugged myself as I got up and traveled along the cobblestone pathway to the main hall. I reached the hall open the the garden, and looked down the hall both ways. Left or right? If I was a bedroom which way would I be?

"Lost?" I snapped my head in the direction of the voice. It was him. That man, that patted my head and just about made everything worse for me at the moment, but maybe he could help me find the room I would be staying in. I looked at him and simply nodded my head, chewing on my bottom lip. He came close until he was right in front of me.

"What's your name?" It took me a moment to comprehend his question. His eyes stared deeply into my own. The dark amber orbs blazed to life.

When I noticed he was waiting for an answer, eyebrows raised, I stuttered out a meek, "Anna." He hmm'ed in response and nodded his head like I said something the make complete sense, when all I did was say my name.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Anna. I'm Prince Jaxon, and you room is that way." My face paled hearing he was the Prince. Of course he was the Prince! What am I stupid? Okay, maybe I am... a little bit. I looked in the direction he pointed and then turned back to thank him and apologize profusely for earlier; however, when I turned back he was gone. I didn't dwell on it for another second as I scurried down the hall to find my room.


Closing my eyes, I gasped for a breath. I sighed and relaxed against the door. I'm safe now. Well, as safe as I could get in my current circumstances.

I hurried through the halls before I had found a rooms where some of the girls were still entering. I was one of the last girls who slipped in before one of the scary guards outside shut the doors.

"What's with you? You good kid?" My eyes shot open to see a tall, slender girl standing in front of me. I saw her in that main room from before. She was beautiful, with long limbs and dark hair tumbling down to her waist. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Hello? Kid? You alright?" I stood frozen for another second before I nodded quickly, making myself momentarily dizzy.


A lazy smile crossed her face, "Good, I thought that they might have eaten you or something after that fiasco." I gaped at her horrified. They don't eat people here do they... they couldn't possibly...  She let out a booming laugh, "You should see your face! No, I don't quite think the royal family are cannibals; however, I wouldn't be so surprised if they were. Although, a place like this is definitely not somewhere a prey should be running around. A bunny, no less." She grabbed my hand leading me away from the door and into the room where many of the girls from earlier were lounging.

"You... you can tell I'm of bunny descent?" I squeaked out as she sat me down in a chair. She took a hairbrush handing it to me. I began to brush out my tangled white locks.

"Yeah, I mean it wasn't so hard to figure it out. Smells of prey, meek, tiny, skittish, and well, cute as a button." She winked at me through the mirror. "I saved you a bed next to mine, I hope you don't mind the bottom bunk."

I glanced up at her, setting the brush down and twiddling my thumbs together, "Why are you being so nice to me? I've never even met you. You don't even know my name."

She smiled sadly, "Well first off, everyone in this room is now out to get you," my face paled at those words, but she laughed and continued, "You got the prince's attention they would kill for that to be them, but I have a feeling your not one of those girls. I  think you don't want to be here, like me, and now you just have to survive more than you already were. You're the only other girl here that isn't here to try to become the next queen and so I guess I thought we could be friends." She smiled at me through the mirror and rested a hand on her hip, "And frankly you're a cutie, and I could get on just fine, but a prey like you might need a protector to make it out of here alive. I'm Jecka by the way."

My heart warmed at Jecka's confession, while now I am scared shitless that she just implied these girls would kill me for the prince's attention the rest of her words were sweet and she seems pretty genuine. And those girls well they could have the prince's attention all they wanted because I wanted to part in that. "I'm Anna." Jecka smiled in return and took my hand pulling me up to my feet.

"Come on, let's sleep. I'm not sure what happened to you after all that went down, but you look tired. And they literally ordered us to go to bed." I climbed into the bed Jecka led me to and snuggled under the covers. While it was the comfiest bed I have ever laid on my entire life, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. It felt wrong. Tears pricked my eyes as I thought of Titan and Eve back at home. She thought of everything that had happened in such a short amount of time. I blinked the tears away and closed my eyes, trying to push those thoughts out of my mind. I tried to think happy thoughts. Like had had that adorable stuffed bunny with me, but I also couldn't help but think of Prince Jaxon's touch as I drifted off to sleep.

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