12.) ANNA

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I slowly awoke, stretching across the uncomfortable surface. I snuggled into the material that was wrapped around my body. It smelled soooo good. I blinked and glanced through my sleepy haze at my surroundings. Oh, right. I was at Aron's place, not the palace, and not my apartment. Instead, I now found my way to my mate's place. Yawning, I sat up and rubbed at my eyes.

"You look good with bedhead, sweetheart." I startled and shrieked out loud. Smacking my hand over my mouth embarrassed; I glared down at Aron. He laughed uncontrollably. "You're also cute when startled. Like a jumpy little bunny." He winked.

He sat near the foot of the bed, looking up at me, grinning. "And you're like a sneaky panther," I mumbled. I raked my fingers through my hair, trying to make it more presentable.

"That's exactly the point," he said unfolding from the ground. I blushed realizing that I was dropping my guard around him. He was comfortable to be around. I felt as though I could act myself with him, as I did with the twins. There was something inside of me that wanted to tell him everything about myself. My love for colorful things, sunsets, and all things fluffy. And how I hated the summer and loved the snow. I wanted to know anything I could about him. Like what he likes to eat, what he does, did he grow up in the capital. Maybe this mate thing was real...

I felt bad for doubting Aron. He genuinely seemed nice, if you excluded the teasing. And what time was it? Did he sit there through the whole night? The questions bubbled inside of me until one spilled out, "Did you sleep on the floor?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah," he shrugged, "I didn't mind, and I didn't want to sleep in the bed with you because you had seemed uncomfortable around me before." He looked away.

"Oh. I'm sorry. You should have taken the bed, I would have slept on the floor," Honesty, I would not very much have liked to sleep on the floor at all. This bed was already sort of hard. However, I did feel bad for taking up his bed.

His gaze shot to mine, and he gave me a stern look, "I wasn't about to make you sleep on the floor, Anna," he said in disbelief. "Even if we weren't mates, I would have still given any hurt girl the bed."

While my heart warmed at my statement, my thoughts also darkened with jealousy. I understood what he meant but my body didn't quite. I thought about his comment in disgust about any other girl in his bed. It was completely not logical, but I immediately hoped that he never needed to share his bed with any other injured girl.

He turned to the small kitchen and took out a loaf of bread cutting it up into slices. "I don't really have much food here," he said, embarrassed. "But, I figured we could visit my friend, Mako, and have lunch there. I have to see him and ask him some questions anyway. I'm sure he will love you... he's very friendly."

My vision single-handedly zeroed in on the bread. I hadn't realized I was hungry until now, and that bread looked really good right about now. Wait what. Meet... new people?

Oh no.

What if his friend didn't like me? He seemed to think very highly of his friend's opinion. Was I too shy for him? Too quiet? I didn't have any cool skills either. I'm a mediocre horticulturist. What do you talk about when meeting your mate's friends? I HADN'T EVEN COME TO TERMS HE WAS MY MATE YET. Oh Gods, I'm doomed.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he placed a plate of toast on my lap. "Eat," he said nodding towards the bread. I picked it up nibbling on the crust. He pulled the chair around and sat backward on it. Resting his head on the crossed arms we watched me.

Feeling a bit awkward, I blurted out, "What's your favorite color?" His lips tipped up in a slight smile. 

"My favorite color?"

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