Chapter 16

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"So we're just going to sit here and pretend like this isn't happening?" You're in the kitchen with Alastor, hiding the angels head in the freezer behind a bag of peas. Surely, no one will even touch the veggies.
"We'll tell them in due time, my dear. I have a plan for when the time finally arrives." Alastor stands behind you.
"We will be the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen."
"We?" You turn around and nearly collide with him. He's much closer than you thought.
"Of course we. Come. I want to show you something." He walks out of the kitchen and up towards his room. There's only one eerie red light in the corner of the room. Alastor goes over to his dresser and opens one of the smaller drawers, pulling out a small red box. Walking over, he opens the box and shows you what's inside. It's a beautiful pearl necklace. The red light makes them look like blood droplets.
"Did.. did you get this for me?" You ask, looking at him puzzled.
"Not exactly. It's something I was able to steal from the human world soon after I had died. It belonged to someone very important to me." He takes the necklace out of the box and spins you around. You feel the cold pearls touch your skin as he puts in on for you. Then, with a snap of his fingers, a mirror appears in front of you. You admire yourself with the new accessory.
"Wow. Alastor, it's beautiful. I dont-" Before you could finish, you're interrupted by a sharp pain in your head. You clutch your head as flashes of memories flood your mind. You see yourself, human, standing in front of a vanity, admiring yourself wearing the same pearl necklace. Another memory flashes of you talking to someone. The mysterious man. Then there's black.


You woke up in your room, head spinning. You recall the moments before you passed out.
"It belonged to someone very important to me." Alastor had said that. Your mind began racing, thinking about what he meant. Was he the mysterious man? Seems like the only logical explanation, but why not tell you? Why let you wait decades for an answer? You began to get angry and annoyed. You looked at the clock on your bedside table.
Plently of people must still be awake. You got out of bed and made a mad dash to Penni's room. Once at the door, you knocked, and before he could finish saying, "Come in," you burst in with your rant.
"Penni, I need you to answer me this. What do you do when the person you've hated for over 80 years turns out to possibly be the love of your life? Im not even sure how I feel right now! I can't tell if I love him or want to kill him! Why the fuck wouldn't he just come find me when he did or explain this sooner?!"
Pennis sat on his bed, confused. He let you continue your downward spiral and noticed your eyes glowing while the atmosphere around you darkened.
"You could just... ask him?" Sir Pentious squeaked out. The atmosphere around you lightened, and the darkness went back into whatever your soul was.
Of course you could do that but, instead of outright telling you, he gave you your old necklace.
"I could... and he could deny everything and give me no straight answers." You said sharply.
"Well, maybe he can't." Sir Pentious fluffed his pillow. You turned your head towards him, "What are you implying?"
"I've alwaysss suspected him of having made a deal for his power. Im sure many have. And when you make a deal, you give something in return."
"So what? You think the deal was 'power for not telling your... anyone about your past'?"
Pentious just shrugged, "Just ask him about it in the morning. But now it's late. COME MY LITTLE EGGIESSS!"
All of Pentious's egg bois ran into the bed with their little pajamas on.
"That... thats fucking cute." You said, a little dumbfounded. "Angel was right, I need a phone." With that, you left the room and begun to head for your own to sleep and think more. Could Alastor have made a deal? What did he sacrifise for his power?


I am ashamed. I was a day behind schedule, and this chapter is kinda sucky, so we'll just call it something like a filler. Love yousssss


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