Chapter 5

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I'm gonna start adding Hazbin memes to the top of the chapters. Either memes or pictures that I think are cool.

Waking up was a nightmare. The same scene that replays in your bedroom was now giving you a live performance. Your muscles ached while you tried to push yourself off the ground. You swore that if you stayed for even a minute longer you might have become one with the forest. You hoisted yourself off the ground, nearly stumbling backward but you were able to catch yourself. You took a moment to look around at your surroundings. Everything seemed normal. And, hey! No bullet holes! You were perfectly fine. Physically at least. You still needed to be mindful of your situation. Anyone from that hunting party could find you easily. Being able to see better now that it was light out, you could see where you were and how to get to your house. The 5-10 minute walk was a bit stressful. You didn't know what happened to the men hunting you down. You didn't know where they were, what they were planning, or what they could be doing right now. You paused for a second, thinking that maybe you could go back to Al's house. Team up or hide there. But if the group found out about his crimes, they'd bring you both down. You'd rather it just be you they were after. You walked up the steps to your door. Reaching for the handle, you noticed that it was already opened. You push the door, revealing the messed up arrangement inside. Chairs were moved or flipped onto their sides, picture frames were either on the floor or crooked, the rugs were tracked with dirt and some corners were folded. You walked upstairs to assess the damage. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad, other than your bedroom. That was a mess. But the bathroom remained somewhat untouched. You could tell that a few things were moved around but it still looked very neat. You turned on the hot water, took off the mucky clothes you had on, and stepped into the shower. The water quickly washed away the dirt that stuck to your skin. You thought about what you should do. Options were of a limited supply. You got out of the shower after probably 20 minutes of freshening up. You wrapped your body in a towel and went to your room. There were only a few outfits left untouched.
You chose one with a light cream-colored top and a long navy blue skirt You got dressed as quickly as you could. You didn't want to spend too much time there. Your final decision was made by the time you finished. You were planning on going to Alastors house again, just to make sure he was alright after last night. Maybe you'll ask to stay for the night or maybe you'll go to a different part of town and hide out there. You didn't know which decision was the right one. Before leaving your home, you added 2 holsters to your thighs. One for a knife, the other for a small pistol. With the knife, you created two slits in your dress wear the blue and black fabric met. This was for easy access to the weapons. Then you made your way back to Alastor's house. Quick as you could but also as silently as you could. You made it in a good amount of time. His door was closed, which was a good sign compared to what the open door of your house meant. You knocked three times. Desperately hoping for a response. You perked up at the sound of the door unlocking. It opened just a bit before opening fully to reveal the smiling gentleman.
"Y/N!" He beamed pure joy at the sight of you. "Oh I'm so happy you're alright!" He stepped aside to let you in. An invitation you gladly accepted.
"As am I." You were still tired and a bit sore. You didn't sound as cheerful as you normally do. Alastor noticed it quickly.
"I was about to make some tea. Would you like some?" He offered.
"Yes please." You replied. A smile is back on your face. He went to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water, placing it on the stove when it was filled. While you both wait for it to finish, Alastor asked about what happened after you left.
"It was mostly a blur." You admit. "I ran for a long while. Soon, I grew weak. I fell asleep in the forest. I'm glad the darkness likes me enough to hide me."
Alastor took the kettle off of the stove. The hot water was now in two teacups on saucers. He put the teabags in and gave one of the teacups to you. You placed it on the table. You watched as the tea leaves made the water turn into a reddish brown.
"What about you?" You questioned. "Did the men cause you much trouble?" You remembered how he took one of the men. You didn't know who he took thought.
"Well, when the group realized Gary was missing..."
Gary... he was so close to finding me...
"I simply told them that he left to go back into the woods in search of you. I don't know where they went exactly, but luckily they never went near you, my dear." He was right. You were extremely lucky. One right turn and they could have found you. The thought made you sick but you held down the feeling. You took a sip of your tea while Alastor changed the subject. He mostly spoke about The Depression. It was almost like he was applauding it. Alastor was a strange man. A strange man you were hoping to get a better understanding about.

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