Chapter 10

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You and Alastor began to walk towards the new "Happy Hotel."
"The name could use some work," you started, "It's too cheesy. No one would be attracted to that."
Alastor stayed silent. It felt off. Is he thinking of something?
There's someone following.
The voice came from in your head. The reflection. You closed your eyes and felt your surroundings.
2 alleys behind. 30-35 feet away. Using a newspaper to hide when we reach benches.
"Ignore it."
Alastor looked at you.
"You know what I mean."
He nodded his head and let out a small hum.
"To the left, dear."
You and Alastor turned the corner. There it was. The building was very tall, weirdly shaped with part of a boat pertrudimg out of it. It wasn't that bad looking considering the state of other buildings in Hell.
Alastor took the lead, walking a bit faster than you, and stopped at the hotel door. He knocked and closed his eyes, waiting for an answer. He behind him, a little to the left. When the door opened, Alastors eyes flashed open.
"Hel-" he was cut off by the door being slammed in his face. Then, it reopened quickly. "-lo-" Door was slammed once again. Alastor looked at you with a puzzled grin. You just shrugged and took a step closer. The door opened once again.
"May I speak now?" Alastor questioned.
"You may." Charlie crossed her arms.
"Alastor! Pleasure to meet you, sweetheart. Quite a pleasure!" Alastor harshly took her hand and shook it.
"Excuse our sudden visit, but we saw your fiasco on the picture show and just couldn't resist! What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929. Hahaha. So many orphans."
Alastor was, again, cut off. A girl, grey skin and white hair, pointed a spear at his face.
"Stop right there! Cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game! And I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here! You pompous, cheesy, talk show shitlord!"
You let out a giggle as you walked toward the girls. The spear once in Alastors face was now on the floor. Dropped from the proximity of your presence.
"Y-y/n!" Charlie exclaimed.
"Hello Charlie. It's very nice to see you again. I promise we are not here to harm."
"We are here to help!" Alastor joined in.
"You both... want to help? With?.."
Alastor used his shadow magic to appear behind the girls.
"This ridiculous thing you're trying to do! This hotel! We'd like to help you run it." Alastor teleports back over to you.
"What makes you want to help?" Charlie looks back over to you.
"Well, your idea is ridiculous, unrealistic, sure to fail, and a waste of time." Charlie looked down in disappointment. You walked over to her, bent down to be a little closer to her level, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "But it's also creative and what Hell needs. On the slim chance that this does work, many demons could spend the rest of their eternity happy and healthy. But, we've got to make it seem worthwhile. Many demons have already given into this sort of life. So my question to you is, how are you going to make sure this works?" Charlie's face lights up with optimism and determination. Alastor walks up, chuckling.
"My dear, I see big things coming your way, and who better to help you than we?" Alastor pulls the princess away, talking and persuading her. You look over to the other demons in the room. One you knew from Hells obsession with porn. Angle Dust. Almost all of Hells TV networks were porn programs, so when flipping through stations, you often saw many clips of him doing erotic things.
The other girl...
Vaggie was new. She looked to be close with Charlie. She and the spider demon began conversing about Alastor. Angel Dust was getting a very detailed and over-the-top story time. You pained no attention to it.
You went over to a dusty portrait of Charlie and her family. Charlie's face had barely a smile on it, and her eyebrows were knit. Why would she look so worried at a time like that? Soon Alastor joined you in inspecting the photo. You turned back around to look at the girls. Vaggie looked distraught as Charlie came over to you and Alastor.
"Sooo, look, you're both pretty sketchy as fuck and obviously think that what I'm trying to do here is a joke." Charlie turned around. Just as she did, Alastor summons ancient eldritch symbols. You quickly elbow him in the arm before Charlie is able to turn back around.
"But, I don't. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So, I'm taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no tricks or voodoo strings attached."
Alastor looked over to you. You gave him a nod of approval before looking back at Charile.
"So it's a deal then?" Alastor twirled his staff and extended his arm for a handshake. Green energy surged all around the hotel lobby. Strong gusts of wind began to blow with it.
Charlie quickly refused the Overlords offer.
"Nope. No deals. No handshakes. Uhmmm.... as Princess of Hell and heir to the throne... I hereby order you to help with this hotel... for as long as you desire... sound fair?"
Alastor looks back at you with an eyebrow raised.
"Sounds fair to me, Princess." You say to Charlie. You walk past her as she sighs with relief. You walk towards a dusty reception desk. With a snap of your fingers, it instantly turns into a lavish desk made of redwood and has gold trimming.
Much better.
"What was that, dear?" Alastor spoke right into your ear. His sudden presence startled you and almost made you jump.
"Nothing," you say while turning around, "just appreciating my work."
"And what lovely work it is." Alastor takes your hand in his and spin you around. You end up with your back pressed against his chest, his arm keeping you close.
"What more could we accomplish with this empty canvas?" Alastor looks down at you. You look up but then look back at the hotel. You're now just noticing the lack of souls.
"Dear Charlie, where is your hotel staff?" Charlie looks nervous. She steps to the side and motion towards Vaggie.
"Oh dear."
"You're going to need more than that." Alastor walks over to Angel Dust and bends over slightly to reach his level. Angel Dust is sitting on a stool in the cafe area. "And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?"
"I can suck ya dick!" Angel responds. Alastor quickly stiffened back up. Jaw dropped from the lewd response.
"Ha! No."
Angel Dust scoffs as Alastor walks away.
"Well, this simply won't do. I guess I could cash in a few favors to liven things up." Alastor conjures up his staff once again. He snaps his fingers, replacing the old fireplace with a new one. Something lands in the soot, causing a small black cloud to erupt. Alastor walks over and picks up the soot covered creature. The creatures eye flutters open, and Alastor drops it on the floor. It poofs the soot off, revealing a small cyclops demon in a 1950s poodle skirt.
"HI, I'm Niffty! It's been a while since I've made new friends! Why're you all women?" Niffty asks very fast and lifts Charlie up to look under her. So strong for such a little thing. "Are there any men here?! I'm sorry, that's rude. Oooh, man! This place is filthy! It really needs a lady's touch! Which is weird because you're all ladies, no offense. Oh, my gosh! This is awful!" Niffty conjures her own feather duster and quickly dusts every surface with ease. She even stabs a cockroach with a sewing pin. Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Fust are too bewildered by the little helper to notice the new edition. A cat demon at a casino appears with a glitches effect.
"Hah! Read em and weep, boys...ohhhh what the fuck?" The cat demon looks around but his eyes quickly land on Alastor. "You." His expression turns from confusion to resentment. Alastor ignores it and greats him anyway.
"Husker, my dear friend. Glad you could make it!"
"Don't 'Husker' me you son of a bitch. I was about to win the whole damn pot!" Husker motions to the fading away jackpot and casino table. You decide to excuse yourself from the scene for a moment. If Alastor decides to call in a few friends, you don't see a problem with inviting your own. You look for a decently reflective surface. The mirror on the wall seems like the obvious choice. You stare into it, shutting your eyes and focusing your energy on the mirror.
Would you like me to come out?
"Yes. Show yourself."
As you command...
You open your eyes. They are now glowing white. What you now see in the mirror is your shadow companion. It reaches out its hand, you follow. Just as both hands reach the surface of the mirror, a shockwave is sent through the hotel. Your reflection is now normal. Beside you is your reflection. Still pitch black with glowing teal eyes and a white mouth
"It's nice seeing you in person, Y/N."
"Uhm... Y/N?" You and your reflection turn to face the crowd. There was now a bar in the hotel. Husker was the only one not paying attention as he was drinking a bottle of booze. Angel sat in front of him on a barstool, Charlie and Vaggie were looking at you with both confusion and fear, and Alastor looked relatively normal. He was just staring and smiling.
"Everyone, this is my reflection. I thought she'd be a useful asset."
"Hello!" It greeted cheerfully, "call me Reflect. I'm Y/Ns greatest power. I'd be happy to help with whatever you need." Alastor rushes over to your side and wraps his arm around you. He gestures excitedly with his other arm to the new additions of the hotel.
"So, whaddya think?"
"This is amazing," Charlie squeals.
"It's.... ok." Vaggie crosses her arms.
Alastor reels the two girls towards him. "This is going to be very entertaining!" Alastor conjures a fire ball and launches up to the hotel ceiling. Charlie is distracted while Alastor shoves Vaggies away. He uses his magic to change his attire into a matching tux and top hat.

○□○□○□○□○Song Timeeee○□○□○□○□○□○
(Alastor sings the whole thing)
"You have a dream you wish to tell. And it's just laughable! But ,hey, kid, what the hell?" Alastor breaks out in song. Changing Charlie's attire, she's now in a black and pink dress and has shorter hair. The lighting in the hotel turns into bright neon colors. Alastor tosses Charlie into the air with that last line and catches her. They are now at the top of a flight of stairs.

"Cause you're one of a kind!" Charlie and Alastor are tap dancing together. "A charming demon belle!" The two slide down the railing.

"Now let's give these burning fools a place to dwell." Alastor dressed up the rest of you. You were now wearing an off the shoulder, red wine colored dress that stopped at your knees. Your hair also had ruby pins in it.

"Take it, boys!" Alastor snaps his fingers. Shadow demons appeared from a crack in the hotels' wooden floor. They played a jazz musical note.

"Inside of every demon is a lost cause," he puts a fedora on Angel's head, and Angel snaps his fingers back at Alastor, "but we'll dress them up for now with just a smile!" Alastor waves his staff and conjures a hat and scarf onto Vaggie, slapping her butt before walking away.

"And we'll chlorinated this cesspool with some old redemption flare," Alastor kicks a skull from his path and then dances over to the fireplace and creates a shadow clone of himself. "And show these simpletons some proper class and style." He goes back to dancing with Charlie.
"Oh, here below the ground! I'm sure your plan is sound. They'll spend a little time down at this Hazbin Ho-" Just as Alastor was about to finish his song, a large explosion created a hole in the wall. Said wall came flying towards Nifty. You quickly jumped in front of the small demon and made a swiping motion with your hand. The wall crumbled into piece before you.
Everyone looked at you and then rushed towards the hole in the wall to see what cause it.
You quickly notice the giant war ship in front of the hotel.
"Penni," you say under your breath. You nonchalantly step out of the hole in the wall, Alastor close behind.
"Hah! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the striped freak and... is that you Y/N? Oh, how wonderful! Two of my greatest enemies in one place. The last place they will stand!" With a push of a button, pull of a leaver, and collision of 2 egg bois, Sir Pentiouses war ship sprout numerous kinds of weaponry.
"Do I know you?" Alastor asks. Pentious looks confused and hurt. His expression quickly changes back to aggression.
"Oh yes, you do! And this time, I have the element of... SURPRISE!" One of the guns shoots off a laser. You block it with a quick shield and send back an attack. A ball of teal fire hits the warship, breaking the window. Alastor opens a portal, releasing tentacles and shadow demons. The tentacles wrap around the airship and get into from the whole you've created. You can hear the screaming from everyone inside as they try to evade the attack. You, being the badass you are, run up one of the tentacles and get inside the warship. You focus your powers and create a giant candy. An explosive candy. You plant it in the middle of the warship and book it out of there. Once you're out and back with the others, Alastor commands the tentacles to drag the ship into the portal. It's gets through just in time to shield your group from the explosion. As the portal closes, you look over at Alastor. His smile looks as menacing as can be. His hair even reveals an X on his forehead where he was killed. Behind you, the rest of the group is huddled together. They are shocked and scared by yours and Alastor demonstration of power.
"Well, I'm starved! Who wants some jambalaya?" Alastor turns around and starts heading back into the hotel. You take one last look where the portal had closed.
Poor Penni.

Finished writing this during my finals. Sorry this took so long. I need to work on deadlines and shit. Anywayssssss I hope you enjoyyyy. This one focused more on the actual show part, but next time, it'll be all original. Also, sorry about now posting on the other story. Me and my friends just kinda stopped, but we're gonna try and get back into it. Ok byeee

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