Chapter 2

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You woke up to the serene sound of birds chirping and the bright, yet cheerful, glow from the sun. You didn't want to get up but you knew your boss would be mad if you showed up late. You worked as a singer at a bar. It was one of the only bars to survive the stock fall. You got up out of your bed and headed for the bathroom. Your bedhead needed some serious damage control. You wet it a bit and brushed it until you were satisfied with the results. Back in your room, you changed into a simple outfit, accessorized a bit, and left. You tried to make your way to the bar as quickly as possible. You were rushing a bit too much and bumped into a man grabbing a newspaper. You were about to fall when he grabbed your waist and caught you.
"Are you alright, madam?" The man asked while helping you stand again. You couldn't help you just stare at him. He was very handsome. He had short brown hair, chocolate brown eyes behind a pair of glasses, and a bright smile plastered on his face.
"Hello?" One of his eyebrows was now raised.
"O-oh um I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't watching where I was going. I apologize." You said in a flustered state.
"You need not fret, my dear. Might I ask where you are heading?"
"Minnie Bar. I work there as a singer." You answered with a light pink blush on your cheeks.
"Well if your voice is as enjoyable on stage as it is off, I might have to come watch." His smile somehow grew when he said that. He's certainly quite the charmer.
"That'd be lovely." You checked your watch and said goodbye to the gentleman. You took the alley to get to the back entrance so you could steal clear of any drunks that might want to disturb you.
"Well, there you are!" Minnie called out. She was the owner and one of your dearest friends.
"I know, Minnie. I'm sorry. I sort of bummed into a man. But I'm here now and I just need to change."
"Hurry." She rushed past you and into the bar area. It was one of the busiest nights you've ever seen. You quickly went to your dressing room to get changed. The dress you always wear while singing was hanging on a room divider that you changed behind.

Next, you applied a little bit of makeup and put on a beautiful pearl necklace. You walked out of your dressing room just in time to hear your stage name being announced by Minnie.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! May I present... Mistress!" Minnie walked off the stage as the lights dimmed. You walked onto the stage. Next to it was a band waiting to play tonight's song. The music started and you felt the beat move your body a bit.

I'll String Along With You- Al Bowlly

"You may not be an angel
Cause angels are so few.
But until the day that one comes along
I'll string along with you."

People in the crowd started to cheer. Nights like these made you feel more normal. Like an actual, good citizen.

"I'm looking for an angel
To sing my love songs too.
And until the day that one comes along
I'll string along with you.
For every little fault that you have
Say, I've got three or four.
The human little faults you do have
Just make me love you more and more."

You noticed a figure, at a booth, who looked very familiar. As your eyes were able to adjust to the spotlight, you saw the man you bumped into. Both of you were keeping eye contact with each other. Not once breaking it while you sang the last verse.

"You may not be an angel
But still, I'm sure you'll do.
So until the day that one comes along
I'll string along with you."

The rest of the song was for the band to play. You lightly danced to the music. Once it ended, you gave a bow and went off the stage to your dressing room.
"Y/N!" Minnie called in a sing-song voice, "I've got your payment for the night on my desk. Don't forget it. And great work tonight!"
"Thank you, Minnie. I'll see you soon!" You yelled back. You removed the makeup, put the pearl necklace back in its special box, changed back into your clothes, and walked out of the room.
"That was a lovely performance, my dear!" The man you bumped into was standing in the hallway. Clapping as he congratulated you.
"Thank you. I was glad to see you out there." You giggled a bit.
"Would you care to join me for a drink?" He asked.
"I'd love to," you replied, "I just need to pick something up first."
He nodded and you walked down the hallway. It wasn't a very long one. At the end of it was the door to Minnie's office. The money was there, as she said, and you put it in your purse. You made your way back to the man. He held out an arm, you interlocked your own with his and made your way to the bar.
"So, Mistress, what's your real name?" He asked.
"Y/N. And I'd like to know yours as well."
"Alastor, dear. Pleasure to meet you." He chuckled.
"Pleasure is all mine." You giggled. You spent a good few hours talking to Alastor. You got to know him and learned that he also lived in the woods. You both found that it was peaceful. He also enjoyed hunting. You mentioned your grandfather being a hunter and how he taught you to cook. Alastor learned to cook from his mother but stopped talking about her very quickly. It was strange but you didn't push it.

At around 4 in the afternoon, you decided to say goodbye to Alastor.
"It was very nice to meet you, Alastor."
"Please, my dear, call me Al." He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed it without breaking eye contact with you. You could feel a blush creeping on your face.
"Well, Al, I hope to see you soon."
"As do I, my dear."
You waved and started walking back to your house. The peaceful breeze hit your skin as the sun began to set.
Back home, you felt at ease. The night was starting to calm down. A shower and straight to bed was tonight's routine. You wanted to get as much sleep as you could. You felt like tomorrow was going to be very promising. And you didn't want to miss a thing.

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