Chapter 61

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During my tenth week of pregnancy, we decided to tell our families. We invited them over for a picnic in the park where we would tell everyone. My sister, Marcus, their two children, Sofia, and Carlos. Sofia was almost five now, while Carlos had just turned two. Alba and Eli would be there. My brother and his family would also be there. They had moved to Barcelona a year ago. There were better opportunities for their daughters here. Maria had turned twelve a while ago, her thirteenth birthday were coming up.

A week ago, Maria had called me. She was crying because she had just gotten her first period. Five minutes later I was in the car, stopping at a supermarket to buy pads and some sweet treats. We talked for hours about everything concerning that. When I left, she was calm again and she had told her mom about it.

When I got my first period, I hated it. I was playing with boys and bled through my shorts as I got it during a game. Not the best way for a young girl, but I handled it. None of the guys ever knew I got my period, but it was amazing as I started to play with girls. We all discussed how it was and I felt comfortable about it. Of course, I talked with my mom and sister, even my brother's girlfriend. It was a secret we had, something only us girls knew about, and I loved that.

I still hate being on my period. There is so much that needs to be planned as a professional footballer. Not having my period was amazing. It meant I could focus on football and didn't have to worry about bleeding through or starting my period in the middle of a game. Still, I preferred my period over being pregnant and that was mostly because of the nausea.

I was nervous about the fact we would tell everyone that I was pregnant. We had training during the day, preparing for our game in two days. The final of La Copa De La Reina. Away in Málaga. Today was the last day where we could see our family since we had to leave tomorrow. I was not showing yet, the doctor said it was normal and I trusted her.

Alexia and I had packed up food and sweets on a few blankets in the park. Everyone was there, sitting down with us and spending time together. They all thought this was our way to say goodbye before leaving for Málaga, but it wasn't and that made it special.

We all talked for a while before I decided to break the news. I had been laughing a lot, smiling a lot. I was just so excited to finally tell our family, for them all to know that our family was about to become even bigger. "I'm pregnant" I announced as Alexia held my hand. "We are having a baby in September" Alexia continued, smiling brightly as she did. Eli was the first to hug me, Daniela followed suit and so did Alba. Everyone was soon engulfed in one big hug. They were all happy for us, and so was I. The smile on my face was brighter than usual.

Tears spilled from my sister's eyes. And they spilled from Eli's eyes. Everyone was happy for us, some showing it more than others.

"I am too young to be a grandmother" Eli joked. She was holding Alexia as she talked, kissing her cheek in such a motherly way. It made me miss my mother. It was almost like Eli had read my thoughts because she pulled me in for a hug. "How have you been doing? Any morning sickness yet?" she asked. Alexia answered for me, describing how I could barely eat anything without feeling nauseous.

We spent the entire afternoon here, celebrating and spending time together. It felt like we were a family, a feeling that I had not felt since before my mother passed away.

Alexia was always just a step away from me, holding my hand for as long as she could.

"I can't believe you are having a baby" Maria smiled as they were leaving for the car. "To be honest I can't believe it either. Am I even grown enough to do this?" I joked. This caused Maria to giggle, and I pulled her in for a hug. "Can I babysit it?" she asked. Her voice was low, almost like she was nervous. "Of course, you can, but we have to wait a while until it is born and a bit bigger" I answered. I was so happy that everyone loved the fact that we would be parents.

I was also nervous. What if we were bad parents? And how would we do when we both needed to travel for football? Those were big questions, but we could figure that out later. All we needed to do now was to enjoy and prepare for the arrival of our little one. Alexia insisted on calling the baby pepino which meant cucumber. I was confused about that, but I found it cute enough to not say anything about it.

The second leg of the round of sixteen in the Champions league was the last game I played. It was in Denmark, and I played every minute of the game even though my legs could barely hold me afterwards. Alexia held me up as we made our way to the changing room. She gave me some sugar and sat with me as we waited for the rest of the girls to join us.

"Before you all shower. Elisa and I have something to tell you" Alexia announced. This is it. Everyone would know that we were becoming parent. I was nervous. My body was shaking, and it was not only from the long game of football I had just played.

"You did not know that this would be my last game for a while. Alexia knew. And I knew, but you all didn't. It is all really hitting me now and as you can see; I am quite emotional" I said which cause our teammates to chuckle slightly. "When I am back, we will all have a new little friend cheering on from the stands" I said with tears in my eyes. "If you didn't know by her speech, Elisa and I are having a baby" Alexia added with a smile. Mapi screamed loudly as she found out, so did most of the girls, except Aitana who already knew.

"Are you serious? When are you due?" Mapí screamed and ran up to hug me and Alexia. "On the ninth of September" Alexia answered. "I am so happy for you two" Mapi continued. All the girls walked up and gave their congratulations. I was so happy to have their support.

Before we showered, Both Alexia and Vicky spoke. The two captains gave me a goodbye speech. They made me cry even more, which I did not even know was possible. At least I could blame it all on my hormones. One good thing about being pregnant, always having something to blame when things went wrong.

"I can't wait to have you back on the pitch with me. You are the one I prefer to have beside me, but don't you think that María is a pretty name if you have a daughter, and it is also a pretty name for a son" Mapí joked. A smiled played on my face once again. They knew how to make me feel all my feelings and I was thankful for that.

Back at the hotel we all had dinner. As everyone finished, Jonathan and Lluís walked in with a cake. "The club wishes you the best of luck in this new journey, and we will do everything we can to help you and Alexia" Lluís spoke. "Having to go without you on the team will be difficult, both on the pitch, but also off the pitch. We are all so happy for the both of you" he continued. It wasn't an emotional speech, but I cried anyways.

I could still watch the games, and I could join them in the gym, or for some light training. It was the end of my season, but at least I could still be a part of the team. Lluís had offered that I could travel with to all the away games. I just had to tell him that I wanted to join. However, Alexia and I had decided to wait another month before I did that. We still wanted to wait until we told the public. We wanted to get comfortable and used to the thought of everyone knowing. 


I have a long few weeks ahead with an absurd amount of tests and asignemnts, but I have chapters written for the next few weeks, don't worry!


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