Chapter 59

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Alexia and I had involved both Lluís and Jonatan in our IVF-journey. I thought that they needed to know, since I could not play for most of my pregnancy. They were the first to know about my pregnancy, if you didn't consider Alexia which I did not since she was the mother of our baby.

We told them on the third of January, my birthday and the first day of practice. Alexia and I had decided not to tell anyone else before twelve weeks. Our doctor had told us that most miscarriages happened before twelve weeks. Considering that our first two rounds did not stick, I was a bit worried about losing our child.

Today was the first day when I had experienced morning sickness. According to our doctor it was normal, and likelier for me since I suffered from motion sickness. I hated the fact that I spent almost an hour with my head in the toilet after smelling the oatmeal I usually had for breakfast. Our doctor had told us that morning sickness also could occur all throughout the day which I found devastating. Imagine playing football while being constantly nauseous. Fun!

The food poisoning on New Year's Eve was actually just that and not morning sickness. Alexia had also felt funny afterwards, so it must have been something we ate the day before.

I changed in the car as Alexia brought a few carrots for me to eat and peanut butter to dip them in. She also brought a toothbrush and toothpaste. She had packed both of our bags, so that we could shower there if we wanted to. The nausea was almost unbearable during the drive. I managed to eat one singular carrot and the entirety of peanut butter that she had packed, which was not optimal when a tough workout was in front of me.

"Are you doing okey?" Alexia asked when we had a small water break. I was laying on the ground, still incredible nauseous and having eaten way too little. "Good enough" I smiled back at her. "Just say if it gets too bad and then we can talk to Lluís" Alexia offered. I smiled in response but continued to train. Alexia was by side during the entirety of training.

The worst part was when Mapí tackled me. I stayed on the ground for a while, dizziness had hit me, and I needed to stay down, or I would once again fall onto the ground. If I stepped up, I would probably throw up to be honest. Alexia took this as a chance to yell at Mapí for her reckless tackle, which it wasn't. The tackle was fine, even I thought so.

"Take it easy on her Ale. I am fine" I said while standing up, wobbling slightly as I did. Another wave of nausea hit me, but I put on a brave face. There was no need to worry anyone. "No need to yell at Mapí for a perfectly fine tackle" I continued. I ran my hand up her arm, ensuring her that I was fine, that she had overreacted the slightest bit. "Are you fine?" Alexia asked, worry was displayed on her face. It felt like it was only the two of us on the pitch. I nodded and smiled at her.

"What has gotten into you Ale? Are you due for your period?" Mapí asked her. I started to laugh at her question. A question you would only ask your best friend, but I mean, they were best friends, so it was not that weird. We were also all teammates, where most girls were gay, and we were all close to each other. Talking about our periods were not weird, neither was sex-talk.

Alexia answered Mapí that she was in fact due for her period as I left the two of them alone. The game continued without any more incidents. "Calmaste Alexia" I said as we walked into the changing room. "Everyone will know if you act like that" I said with a smile, leaning into her side. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her. She laughed at what I said, but she knew that what I was saying was true. "Are we showering here today?" she asked. I nodded, not bothered enough to answer.

We showered together with the team. Mapí was still teasing Alexia about her small outburst while Alexia did her best to ignore it. "You have to admit that it was fun" I said while placing a kiss on Alexia's cheek. "I don't know what came over me" Alexia confessed with a smile. Mapí was sitting next to us, laughing at how clueless Alexia was.

The next week continued in the same manner. I was constantly nauseous and could barely keep any food down. It was not ideal to train and play games like this, so I scheduled a meeting with our coaches to talk about my options. I wanted to play, but it was difficult for me to do so.

"Thank you for taking the time to talk to me" I said as I walked inside Lluís' office. I closed to door behind me and went to sit down on one of the chairs. Alexia didn't know what I was doing, which was not great, but I didn't want to worry her. "Of course" Lluís answered, as he smiled. Such a small gestured filled me with comfort and I knew that he would support my every decision. "What did you want to talk about?" he continued.

"I have not been feeling my best this past week. I can barely eat anything and most of my food comes back up again. It is not an ideal situation and I feel like it affects my ability to play football" I told him. My words were honest and truthful, something Alexia had always admired about me. "What do you think we should do about this?" Lluís asked. "It all depends on how you feel. If you feel like you need a break, then you should have one. Just to focus on yourself and staying healthy without the pressure of performing on the pitch" he continued.

I admired him. He was everything I wanted a coach to be like, supporting of his players and kind. "That would honestly be great. But I would want to be back as soon as possible" I answered while smiling slightly. "And maybe we could wait to tell the rest of the girls. Alexia and I want to keep this all on the low until twelve weeks, but you already know that" I continued. "I'll tell them you are sick and won't be joining in with training for a while. How does that sound?" he asked. "That sounds great. Thank you!" I said and left his office. Now I needed to tell Alexia about this. Maybe keeping it from her wasn't my best idea.

"Ale! I have to tell you something" I said as I caught up to her. She was walking inside the changing room, but as she heard my voice she turned around. I checked inside the changing room, and it was empty, so we talked in there. "I told Lluís that I would be taking a break. You know how bad my morning sickness is and it is not healthy for me to play. I am sorry that I didn't tell you" I said with tears in my eyes. Those damn pregnancy hormones.

"I get it Isa. You had to make a tough decision and I think you have made the right choice" Alexia said and pulled me in for a hug, kissing my forehead in the process. "Are you training today?" she asked. I shook my head at her to answer. "I was thinking that I could take the car home. Lluís said that he would tell everyone that I had the flu or something and would be gone for a while" I answered. Alexia handed me the keys to the car.

"I'll get a ride from someone. Just relax. You can take Nala for a walk or something" Alexia said.

That was it for today. I left training before anyone else arrived. I drove slowly, making sure not to speed. I watched out for the busy traffic and was instantly reminded why I hated driving. People didn't know how to drive, not that I was the perfect driver, but I made less mistakes than other people.

I walked Nala and cooked us both lunch. A salad with chicken and quinoa. Of course, there was vegetables in it, along with dressing and cheese.

After over two hours Alexia came home. She wasn't alone as Mapí had joined her. "Are you doing okay Isa?" Mapí asked as they both walked inside. "I just woke up with a sore throat and a headache, so I thought it would be a good idea to skip training instead of making it worse" I answered her.

Mapí stayed for a while. Sharing our lunch before she had to go home. She told us about the date she had tonight and how she needed to get ready. She also wished that I would get well soon. 


My sister got sick. So, you all got a chapter this tuesday!

Started to write my new story about Keira. Got the first and second chapter done as well as the prologue.

My other story about Alexia will have a few more chapters updated this week before I go back to a set schedule!

And what should their baby be called? Drop suggestions in the comments, preferably Spanish names! 


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