Chapter 54

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About two months later the entirety of Spain was forced into a lockdown. Some new illness had surfaced in China and was spreading rapidly through the world. A total lockdown, and we could no longer go to training. I was forced to do my entire rehab by my own, without anyone that could help me and tell me if I was doing everything right. Alexia did her best with helping me, but it was taking a toll on her.

This lockdown was incredibly hard on the both of us. We were constantly fighting, even over the smallest of things, like who would be allowed to take Nala on a walk and who needed to do the dishes. We fought a lot about training, and who left the supplies on the floor. It was exhausting for me. To do rehab, while being locked inside my apartment. Even though I lived with the person I loved the most in the entire world.

"Can you just do your share of the work for once?" I yelled at Alexia. "I have to train, take care of you and do housework, and housework will always come last. But I am not the only one who needs to do that, you have the exact same responsibilities as I do. We are a team Isa, and we need to act like one" Alexia yelled back. "I mean vacuuming is hard when I can't stand for long periods of time" I screamed at her. This was not going to end well. I don't even know why I started to scream at her.

Our argument continued for hours, and we brought up every small thing the other did wrong. If we weren't fighting, none of the things she said would bother me, but she had so many good arguments and I needed to have a great comeback.

Alexia slept on the couch that night, and I did not sleep at all. I was tossing and turning that entire night. All I wanted was to go down and apologize to her. I wanted to curl up next to her, breathe in the smell of her flowery shampoo, and to finally feel safe for once.

At around six in the morning, I thought it was time to go up. It could show Alexia that I had slept, but that I was eager to solve what we had been fighting about. I felt bad. Navigating everything was hard. My knee was hurting, I did not know how we were going to survive the next year. I was stressed and I hated that it was taking a toll on the relationship I valued most in the world.

"I'm sorry Ale" I whispered to her as I walked inside the living room. "I am sorry too Isa. We both said things we didn't mean" Alexia whispered back and got up from the couch, hugging me tightly while doing so. She must have not slept either, because the dark circles under her eyes were visible for once. "I am sorry for what I said. I did not mean anything I said, but it still haunts me. I could barely sleep because of how bad I felt. It is not an excuse" I confessed.

"I did not mean anything either Isa. I didn't sleep at all. All I could think about was how bad you must have felt because of what I said" Alexia said. She felt the same as I did. Both of us were apologetic about our earlier actions. "It is hard for me to live in this world. I am injured and that causes me enough stress. Adding a global pandemic on top of it, with lockdown, is not good. My stress levels are through the roof, and I am sorry for taking it out on you" I continued, apologizing for everything. "I get it Isa. Can we put this behind us for now, and talk about our problems before snapping?" Alexia asked. It was a good idea. An idea I quickly agreed to.

We stayed in that embrace for long. It was clear that we both needed it, or I needed it more than anything else.

I barely left Alexia's side that day. We talked about my stress and agreed on what to do when everything felt too overwhelming.

We sat down on the couch after dinner. Sharing a bowl of vegetables sticks and a dip. "I think we should go somewhere once this lockdown in over" I suggested. "I think so too, some time with just the two of us" Alexia agreed. We discussed the trip we had started to plan earlier but agreed that taking the car would be better. Considering that it was a total lockdown, flying somewhere was not optimal. It would mean we would be stuck there, with no chance of going home. Nala could also join if we did so, and it was something we both liked.

"I don't know how you can stay with me all the time, Ale. I am a real piece of work, especially now that I am injured" I whispered when we were laying in bed. I thought she was asleep, but apparently, she was still awake because she answered me. "I love you Isa. You know I love you, and spending time with you is the best part of my life" she whispered back. I felt tears stream down my face, and I knew exactly what was going on. In a week the lovely lady in red would pay me a visit. Something I did not look forward to.

Alexia pulled me closer. She was careful to not hurt my knee, but to comfort me. "I love you Elisa García and you having a hard time with an awful injury is not going to change that. I hate that you see yourself as a burden because no one else does. I love you more than anything in this world" she said desperately before placing a kiss on my lips.

I was wearing one of Alexia's t-shirts, the familiar smell of her engulfed me. Her perfume, Versace Eros, along with her shampoo, soap, and body cream was deadly, but it smelled like home. It smelled like the person I loved most in the whole world. All of that blended nicely with the smell of her. Every person had their own scent, and Alexia's was addictive.

"What is going on that pretty brain of yours?" she asked in a quiet voice. "I was just thinking about how good you smell" I whispered to her. Even in the dark room I could see her eyes darkening. Her hands roamed over my body and so did her mouth. She was leaving sloppy kisses down my chest, trailing her mouth all over my stomach.

The night continued in that same way. We got way too little sleep, just like the previous night. Eyebags were forming under my eyes, but that didn't matter. I was here with Alexia, and she was everything I could wish for in life.

I worked out at home the following days. My recovery was going well. I no longer needed the crutches and could walk with only a slight limp. It was easier for me now to walk Nala, and we made it a routine to walk her together whenever possible. Just as we did with our workouts, even though we did not have the same exercises we could it at the same time.

Summer rolled around quickly. It was five and a half months since I had torn my ACL. Slowly but surely, I was getting back to my usual ways. Today was the first time I would allowed to run on grass since getting injured.

Alexia followed me, watching as I did all my exercises before I was allowed back on the field. I was nervous, my feeling and emotions were all over the place. Alexia held my hand as we walked the field.

She watched on as I took a few nervous steps. The confused look on my face was soon replaced with a big smile. Laughter filled the pitch as I looked towards Alexia. An equally big smile covered her face, but the laughter was all from me. A camera was filming the two of us, and for the first time in forever I was back on the field.

Alexia watched on as I kicked a ball around. My laughter never died out during that practice. "I am so proud of you my love" Alexia said, pulling me in for a hug and kissing me softly. Her lips was warm and my laugh was back. I felt like a child again.

In less than a week the two of us would be driving to the southern part of Spain, to Malaga. There we would spend three weeks, soaking up the sun and enjoying each other's company. "Luckily, we have a trip to celebrate this achievement" she continued and kissed me yet again.

Hand in hand we made our way towards the changing room, and then we headed back home. Nala was staying with Eli, and it was just Alexia and I. Nala would stay with Eli for two weeks before Alba would take her. It was a chance for Alexia and I to have time together, without anything disturbing us.

"I can't believe that I got to kick a ball again. Who knows? I might be back on the pitch this upcoming season" I said while smiling. Alexia smiled back. This was how I wanted life to be.

The two of us. Together for all of eternity. 


This chapter took me three weeks to write. This is so bad, but I spend most of my time on another story, which will be out in early May. 

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