Chapter 55

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Today we were leaving for Málaga. Alexia decided that she would drive, which I was very against. I had to admit that I was a bit of a passenger princess, but who wouldn't be if it was Alexia who was driving you? It would be a long drive, almost ten hours, so I said that I would take over a while. Driving for that long was not healthy. She would be exhausted before we even arrived. Being tired when driving was not optimal, the risk of an accident grew bigger, and we wouldn't that.

Alexia complained about the fact that I would also drive. She preferred driving instead of sitting in the passenger seat, something I couldn't even imagine. This may sound like she thinks I am a bad driver, but she doesn't. She just has some anxiety about not being in complete control about everything. I had learned to accept it, but it was also necessary to face those fears. That was something I had learnt in therapy and was constantly working on.

During the drive, my hand was resting on the gear, and hers was on top of mine. Every time she changed gears, my hand followed with. I had no idea why we didn't have an automatic car, but I wanted one. We stopped for something to eat after an hour. I went inside to buy coffee while Alexia stayed back. As always, I bought some sweets. Probably not something I should have done, but what was a long drive without something sugary to snack on?

After two more hours, I convinced her to stop. It was my turn to drive, and it was chaotic to say the least. I almost hit another car and was tense the entire way. Alexia laughed and sang along to the music that was playing. I had to get used to driving again, since Alexia drove me everywhere. It took some time, but I could join in with her singing soon enough.

I drove for about an hour before we needed to stop for lunch. It was a small place, serving only different kinds of salads. We ordered two of them to share, with a big bottle of water.

After the quick lunch, we hit the road again. Alexia drove us for another three hours while I was sleeping. Then it was time for me to drive. Like I mentioned before I hated driving, so I only drove for an hour before it was Alexia's turn again. During the last two hours I managed to get some work in. Nike wanted to send me some new cleats since I was back running, and they would arrive when I got back home.

We arrived at the house a while after we normally ate dinner, but we had nothing to cook. So, we ultimately decided to head out for dinner. Alexia called Eli on our walk, checking up on Nala and telling her that we had arrived safely. Their relationship was cute, and I was jealous of how lovely their family was, with Eli, Alba, and Alexia. Soon, I might even be included in that, or I was already. Alexia and I had been a couple for almost three years, that was such a long time, but I was still just as in love with her as I was when we first got together.

For dinner we ate at an Italian place. Both indulging in a pasta dish each, and sharing a bottle of white wine, a Chardonnay. Alexia didn't drink during the season, but this was our break and a chance to do whatever we wanted.

Alexia decided to pay for our dinner, and I complained about that. "You drove us here and rented the house. The least I can do is to pay for the food" I said while taking out my card. "This trip is my treat to you, so I am paying" she said and grabbed my card. Now it was clear that she would be the one paying. I didn't have a way to do it.

We walked back to the house hand in hand before falling asleep as soon as we got there. Not having time to unpack the bags, barely changing into something to sleep in.

For breakfast we had to go out. I changed into a long skirt and a tank top, still a bit insecure about the scar from my surgery. I no longer had any problems with the healed scars on my arms. It was a long time since they had been fresh, and it reminded me of my journey. How amazing it was that I was still standing here today, after everything I had been through.

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