Chapter 30

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Ravel was smart enough to catch on from all the words that Zhi Ruo had spoken. And he stood tall from beside his master all the while occasionally updating Zhi Ruo with each of the servants achievements in the past times that he had observed.

The servants were uneducated, but it doesn't mean that they aren't smart in their own way.

Years of being in their position, one can only survive if they are shrewd enough. It was clear to them that Zhi Ruo had planted Ravel to spy on them to see of they were worthy enough. A pleasant misunderstanding, though it was not far from the truth.

If Zhi Ruo knew of the things that they have made up, she would not care. Amused, she would be, but she won't spare a second glance at it. This was Ravel's job, he handles the servants.

The offers that Zhi Ruo had put in the table was generous enough, and they have no doubt that one way or another Zhi Ruo would fullfil the things that she promised. It was carved into their bones to trust in their masters, and trust they will. Especially since Zhi Ruo was so magnanimous with her words and offer.

As for regaining their freedom, one could dream about it. But dreaming upon it doesn't always mean that one wants it. If truly, they were able to make their own decision and regain freedom and control over their lives, what good would come from the outside world could offer?

Most, if not all of the servants that Zhi Ruo chose was birthed into their positions. Their parents were servants, and their children also has to bear such titles.

Their titles as servants protects them from not having a roof over their heads and they were fed enough for them not to complain. If they leave, having the title as servants revoked. They won't have any family to go to, nor would they know anyone from outside of the Ye clan as they have lived all their life inside the Ye clan's grounds.

But to them, to be able to have a chance on Cultivating was a opportunity they could not let go off.

So knowingly, Zhi Ruo had lit a fire under their bottoms. And of course the servants were eager to please the young miss after all that was said and done.

The servants were dismissed bit long after, ans Zhi Ruo called Ravel to her room to ask him for something.

Zhi Ruo explained to Ravel to take the token on his hands and go to craftmaster in the Sighted Valley, to asked brother Biān Fú to make something similar but nothing alike to the gold token on Ravel's hands. The tokens should be made out of wood, and silver, as it would be the theme of the lowest and the second lowest ranks perspectively.

The wood one should have a green tassel, while the silver one should have a blue tassel. For safe measures, Zhi Ruo took the storage ring containing all of her mother's dowry, and took out her jaded Tablet. The only thing that identified her as the young miss of the great Ye clan.

Ravel took the jaded Tablet with him, and went on with his official servants clothing with the golden token on his side. His long rose gold hair was turned into inky black, his eyes into the shade of witching hour. With his attire, he looked more of an consort of some historical drama's rather than a servant under a young miss.

Zhi Ruo rose from her seat then, as she have handled what needed to be handled in her new pavilion.

The next day came without much of a disturbance, rather than cultivating all night to breakthrough. Zhi Ruo cultivated her foundations more thoroughly, and she ended up opening her dimensions in doing so. Her dimensions were much more rich in Qi and she exhausted all her MP by just opening her dimensions as her regeneration of Qi was much more slower than her intake.

For the first time in a while Zhi Ruo slept normally, only to wake up two hours later at six am in the morning. Though at this point it should not be a night's rest but more of like a nap.

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