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Date published: ???

"It wasn't as if we didn't know our impending situation. So we can't really do much about it." A guy muttered playing with his over grown bush of a hair. "Well actually we did, we could've done much better but who cares. What would our desire of escaping be when we didn't even know where to start." He let out a sound and faced Zhi Ruo. "I'm Lao Xiao, Master." He bowed to her.

"Don't be like that." Han Meng chided on Lao Xiao. "Well, that about it. If master is hoping to know secrets of that place, we can't offer any." Han Meng said solemnly. "We were born and raised inside that nauseating place, though we we're given important jobs of relaying information one sidedly. We weren't told anything."

Zhi Ruo quirked up her lips, "do not fret I have no interest on knowing such troublesome things." She waved her hand as if to say, forget it. "Knowing those information would be useless and will bring great trouble to me if others find out." She tapped the table and leaned back to her chair. "What I do want though is for you to form a team under me."

"I do not mind serving another master, but I do hope master can let us rest before deploying my brothers and I for missions." Ma Shu cautiously asked Zhi Ruo, as he felt like this master of there's is quite kind. "We are currently not in the right condition for us to move around, it a miracle that we are still alive today." He added.

Zhi Ruo laughed and answered. "I did plan for you to rest and recover, that is why I asked Ravel to look for a mansion under an anonymous name. You may have already knew of me, I am a Xiaojie that lives like a beggar. And I can't exactly bring you and your brothers inside the the Liu's property, it would raise much attention. In which I do not need at the moment." Zhi Ruo pointed at herself.

"I, your master is in the same period as you, preparing to become a butterfly. I am also resting and recovering my body." Zhi pointed this out, the men that was inside the room felt that their master is truly with them through thick and thin. But this point made them brought their attention back to Zhi Ruo's frail body. And they could not help but wonder how Zhi Ruo lived.

But the truth was the Zhi Ruo of this world had already died.

Seeing the men staying silent she spoke. "Then shall I give you a rundown as to what the plans are for the near future?" She took the silence as a sign to continue. "First, after you lived to the house that Ravel bought, to will be under extensive care. That means you have to follow all of my orders the moment I start to treat your condition." She added. "I will be using different type of treatment then the once you usually have. That's why I need you to not panic, for I will have it under control."

The last part that Zhi Ruo added, was to warn them that the treatment that she is using is different from the traditional ones. Of course she is referring to modern medicine.

"Second- wait before that. Would you guys mind if I can cut your hair and beard? It's bothering to no end." Zhi Ruo snapped to this and that.

Peng Shui chuckle half giggled, "yeah it was kinda bothering me. Would master mind?" In which that translated inside Zhi Ruo's head as ' same, sis cut it for me yeah?' so of course looking around. She called for an employee of the place and asked the employee for a blade and pieces of clothes.

The employee though confused brought the blade and the stripes of clothes and  handed it to Zhi Ruo.

After receiving the blade, Zhi Ruo asked the men to gather in a line and proceeded to cut and shave their beards and hairs. In a way that even Zhi Ruo is impressed with her own precision.

"You have a nick for cutting hairs don't to master?" Peng Shui chuckled, and though he is the oldest he acts as if he is not. Earning him a sharp elbow on the ribs from one of his brothers. Touching his clean face and perfectly groomed hair, his sharp eyes and the upturned of his lips was ever present now that his hair was out of the way.

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