Chapter °25°

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The soft sound of hammer hitting wood echoed into the whole courtyard, though it doesn't seem to look like a courtyard. More like a workplace by all the resources gathered neatly outside the hall, and the dozen or so people coming in and out like on a busy day at the firm.

Zhi Ruo marveled at the buff macho man that looked like gym rats that greeted them as they walked in. Immediately as they stepped into the building, the stench of saw dust, and some oddly weird ointment waft into their noses greeting them with utmost manlyness.

"This is?" Zhi Ruo ventured aloud.

"The workplace for the craftmaster." Kohaku nodded his head to a direction. "Please follow me, I will be leading you to who is in charge of this place." He walked as he talked to Zhi Ruo whow as avidly paying attention like a kid on a class tour.

Qing Qing gave Zhi Ruo a peculiar look when she saw how Zhi Ruo was acting. Eventually, she even wonders, in Kohaku's words. By normal standards, he meant this right? Like how Zhi Ruo was acting like she was taking a tour? Qing Qing doesn't know how to feel, rather she's reluctant to even comment or act on her thoughts.

"The craftmaster that we are visiting will be the one who is going to provide us with your plaque for your new pavilion." Kohaku informed as the light of the sun seeped through the cracks of the windows illuminating his handsome face.

Zhi Ruo was half listening to what her senior brother was saying, far to busy on appreciating the work of art that is Kohaku's face. But she still nodded here and there to show that she heard what Kohaku was yapping on about....mostly.

But she indeed got the affirmation that their is more than one craftmaster in the Ye clan, they also even have blacksmiths that was formed into a sub-division inside the Ye clan.

"We're here." Qing Qing called out, interrupting Zhi Ruo's thoughts.

When Zhi Ruo looked up, she was met with a man who was holding up a string. In what Zhi Ruo could assume, he was using the string as a ruler of some sort. Zhi Ruo wonders what would happen if she gave the man a ruler tape. Having a string for a ruler seems so inconvenient in her terms.

"Brother Biān Fú!" Kohaku called out, the man who he had addressed as Biān Fú looked up and smiled when he saw Kohaku walking towards him.

Zhi Ruo blinked when she heard Kohaku call the elder man 'brother', surely this Middle aged looking man could not be the same age as this handsome senior brother of hers.

"Aa! You are here!" Biān Fú let's out a hearty laughter. "Just in time, I had just finished my lessons for the day and was just waiting for you to come." The man said with a smile. His eyes shifted to the masked lady that was beside the quiet Qing Qing. Naturally it was Zhi Ruo.

Upon noticing Biān Fú's gaze Zhi Ruo turned her head and cupped her hands in greeting to the older gentleman. Biān Fú smiled when he noticed Zhi Ruo's quiet nature.

"Young miss." Biān Fú copied Zhi Ruo's greetings. "Please follow me, you will be the one to personally choose what kind of material that you can have as your plaque." Biān Fú said as he motioned his eyes to a room.

"Please lead the way brother Biān." Zhi Ruo nodded and followed the man.

Qing Qing and Kohaku then informed Zhi Ruo that they will be taking their leave. As they still have something to do.

"Young miss, please do note that someone will be coming to your pavilion to tutor you in reading and writing." Qing Qing stated, as she filled in Zhi Ruo as to what would happen next.

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