Chapter 11 - Out of Control

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AN: I just LOVE the picture, seeing Andy walks between the line proud to be captain <3

Andy stands in the new Barn with her arms propped up on the railing. Completely lost in thought, she examines every last corner of the station. It's hard to believe that just four weeks ago one of the brothers made a sacrifice here to protect their home from something worse.

"hey good morning captain!" Travis, Vic and Maya join Andy and greet her warmly.

She smiles happily and takes her family in her arms. "Oh guys, good to see you again, especially here," Andy raises her arms as if to present the new Barn and smiles happily. "So? we want all the details!" Maya looks at Andy expectantly and you stroll downstairs to the new vehicles. "Have you seen much? Did you have any hot nights?" Travis stands in front of her and looks at Andy penetratingly, as if he wants to read her every bone.

"ehm...." She looks at him with her typical stupid look and then looks at Vic for help. "ok ok Travis that's enough!" she pushes him away playfully and then turns to Andy as well. "Did you?" she whispers and Andy just grabs her head, laughing. "The others are coming too, get ready to line up! I don't do things by halves!" Vic starts laughing again with Travis, but the two immediately look at each other seriously when they realize that Andy is serious and gives her a stern look.

 "The others are coming too, get ready to line up! I don't do things by halves!" Vic starts laughing again with Travis, but the two immediately look at each other seriously when they realize that Andy is serious and gives her a stern look

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Sublime and proud, she walks through the row and examines each of the 19. She pauses briefly, looks at your empty seat and is visibly annoyed. "really now..." She walks on and the troupe looks more tense. She stops in front of Warren and examines him closely, then walks past Jack and feels an intense stare emanating from him. "Where is Y/N? Is there trouble in the love nest?" He smirks, unsuspecting that he will regret this, Andy stops without turning around. She takes a deep breath, turns to Jack and walks over to him. If looks could kill, Jack would have died more than once by now.

Without batting an eyelid, she looks so deep into his soul that you'd think she was the devil herself, hungry to rip it out. "I heard the B shift had hot chili last night. I'm glad you volunteered to clean the toilets, and because we don't want you to get out of shape you have double training today followed by table work! If I ever hear another derogatory comment about me or my love life, they will regret it! I may not have been your captain for a month, but here I am now and I expect respect!" Everyone stands up straight and faces forward. "Yes, Captain!" comes from everyone and only Jack looks down, annoyed.

Everyone has been divided up by her and the group loosens up and seems more relaxed. Andy checks her cell phone to see if everything is okay and then puts it away. "Hey captain, good speech. The team really needed that." Warren pats her on the shoulder and Vic and Travis join her. "Andy, have you eaten yet? want some breakfast?" Vic looks at her curiously

" I'm not very hungry..." She looks at her cell phone again, which has Fortuna in the background. "is everything ok captain?" Warren looks at her worriedly. "ah...actually no. we've become parents" All eyes are immediately on Andy, who is just about to explain herself when suddenly a bark is heard from afar. Andy and the others look around for the sound when Warren suddenly smiles broadly. "Parents then? aha!" Fortuna comes running to Andy, who is completely overwhelmed as she embraces the young dog. "" She looks up and sees you standing chilling in the doorway, in full firefighter gear.

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