Paw print 29.

342 17 1

There was a Ghibli marathon on tv and Jisung and Minho had decided to watch it all togheter; as a way to say goodbye before Ji would have to leave for his tour.

Now's the right time.

thought Ji, sat on the couch:

This way, if he rejects me I'll have all the tour to mope around and cry myself to sleep without him having to see it. And the concerts will distract me! Yes, it has to be now.

He took in a big breath.

I can do this I can do this I can do this I can...


Minho gulped down his sadness with a glass of wine. They were at Totoro, one of his personal favorites but he couldn't focus on the movie for shit.

Tomorrow was gonna be the last day he'd wake up next to Jisung for a while. He scoffed at the piercing pain in his heart.

Why am I even feeling like this. We're not dating or anything. I let myself indulge in his presence for too long and I'm getting attached... I should've never agreed to this. "For Soonie" oh, who are you even kidding Minho-

"Soooo-" started Ji in that precise moment:
"Tour starts tomorrow, huh?"

Again, sharp needles of pain pierced Minho's chest.

It hurts so much. Why? Why do I care? He'll probably forget me one day into the tour, he'll probably-

"Yeah... are you excited?" he asked instead, a calm smile on his face.

Jisung didn't look calm at all:

"Mhm yeah sure super excited, incredibly excited actually. Well- a bit nervous too but thats normal haha"

Just as Minho started wondering why he sounded so nervous Ji let out a sigh:

"Min, we need to talk"

His heart dropped into his stomach.

There it is. He's gonna tell me that when he comes back we'll have to stop living togheter. That he feels uncomfortable. Or that-

"...we've been friends a while now and-"

"It's ok, Ji" he interrupted him:
"I understand how you feel and it'll be allright. I can just leave... We'll stay friends after the tour too, if you'd like"

Jisung's face got a little green.

Did I embarass him? Maybe he thinks I'm an asshole now.

"I'll leave the room as clean as I can..." he added, trying to make ammends.

But Jisung just looked the other way.


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