Paw print 5.

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"What did you say!?"

"The path, Jisung, do you see the path?"

The other looked around in a panicked state, trying to find those stomped down leaves they had been following but...nope, the path was nowhere to be found.

Panic started taking over him.

"No..." his hands ran to his hair:
"Fuck... of course the one night I needed to have some good sleep I get lost in the woods. OF FUCKING COURSE!!"

Minho looked at his neighbor as his eyes got illuminated by a crazy light:


Minho placed a hand on his shoulder:
"Ji... try to keep calm, the path must be near... we were following it after all"

"Right, right..."

But the more they walked around the spot, moving spiked branches and attempting to avoid nettles it became clear that at a certain point they had mistaken some deer tracks for the path and gone complitely out of route.

"We're screwed." Jisung stated, falling to the ground.

"No, I refuse to give up. We'll find it, may take a while but-"

"You don't get it, do you?" the other interrupted him.


"I have something important tomorrow morning. It's life or death. I can't be here right now. But oh, look! I am here. And I'm stuck."

He had scrunched up in a ball of limbs and looked so... lost. Nothing like the usual snarky, witty Jisung Minho knew.

He sighed and sat beside him:

"When do you have it?"

"Five in the morning"

Minho checked his clock: midnight.
He then checked his signal: absent.

We are screwed.

"Was it that important?"

"It was. It was supposed to be my whole future."

It was clear that whatever this was, it meant a lot to Ji. He looked like he was about to cry but didn't want Min to see it.

I have to figure something out. For him.


Heart shaped paws °•Minsung•°Where stories live. Discover now