Paw print 25.

365 16 2

As soon as Jisung set foot into Min's house Soonie stopped whining.

He instead ran, tail high, stroking his soft fur on both Min and Ji's legs.

"Happy now, you little beast?"

"Meow!" he answered, between a purr and another.

Jisung prepared for a night on the couch with his heart in his throat.
Despite the full weeks they had spent togheter, this was his first time in Minho's house. As he had expected it was very sober. What he hadn't expected however were the framed anime posters. And the huge photo shrine on his counter. He stole a few gazes at it briefly as Min made him a tea, trying to look uninterested. He saw a bunch people he had never seen before, award show pictures with who he assumed were his students and finally, hidden behind the others...a picture of him kissing Chan.

He happy. I wonder what went wrong...

After a small chat, Ji made himself comfortable and tried to close his eyes.

Soonie however...had different plans.

Instantly he bit down on his pejamas' sleeve and started pulling on it with his sturdy little teeth, leting out small mrrows as he worked.

"Soonie... what is it now?" Jisung whined.

Maybe Minho forgot to feed him?

So he got up and let the cat guide him, expecting to end up in the kitchen instead to his surprise Soonie walked up the stairs until they found themselves in what could only be Minho's room.

Instantly Ji felt like he was intruding.

He was about to leave and go back to his spot on the couch but Soonie jumped right onto Min's stomach, waking him up with a muffled oof.


Jisung smiled. Minho's half asleep voice was so sweet and precious.
His messy haired head peaked from behind the cat's small mass and noticed Ji:

"Oh, hi..."



Guys I was thinkin....
since I have the whole rest of the fic ready... should I keep posting once a day or should I release it all?

Heart shaped paws °•Minsung•°Where stories live. Discover now