Chapter 11: Jennifer

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Chapter 11: Jennifer

There I was, in the middle of the night, somewhere in Duskwood.


And to add to the misery, the broken heel of my left shoe had given me a graze on my knee.

The positive side effect of my disorientation was the small chance that the others wouldn't find me.

How could they when I didn't even know where I was?

But I wish I'd just had a real destination, a place where I finally felt like I'd settled in.

My heart knew this place.

Except there was no way to just type Jake into Google Maps and in the blink of an eye I'd be there.

Well, not that I hadn't tried. Although not that evening.

I unfortunately left my mobile phone in the Aurora. Otherwise I would certainly have arrived at Grimrock Waterfall by now.

It was my only clue to Jake's whereabouts and the only reason I had embarked on the journey to Duskwood in the first place.

Rude behaviour on my part...

I was aware of that, and that's why I hated myself even more at this point.

The others were my friends.

They really were important to me. And I wouldn't have wanted to be without them.

But as much as the investigation into Hannah's abduction had brought us closer together, the bond between me and Jake had simply become much stronger.

It hurt me so much that the others reminded me of Jake so much more.

And especially Lilly.

I still wasn't even certain whether it was the fact that she was his half-sister or that Jake's riddle had simply helped the friendship between me and her.

At the same time, I wondered whether I should be grateful to her for bringing me back down to earth in such a harsh way. Or, on to the contrary, because she had deprived me of the chance to forget my pain for at least one night.

However, the reality was that I was in the middle of a sea of shards of my mistakes. And if I reflected deeply, I knew that this mistake wasn't tonight, wasn't the answer to Thomas' message, it was simply my birth.

A mistake which didn't even dare to eliminate itself....

In contrast, a mistake that still hoped for a happy ending.

Since when did the villains get a happy ending?

And I was nothing else...

I had willingly put my friends in danger while sitting safely in my own place.

I had turned the love of my life to the FBI...

I had allowed Richy to commit suicide.

I had taken his and Jake's deaths lying down.

That's not the way a hero act...

In any case, it was absurd to believe I was on the side of the good ones.

Wasn't it proof enough that I had destroyed my parents' love by being born?

Why was I still trying so desperately to hide this fact?

I was and always will be a monster in human form...

There were far too many tears running down my cheeks. I could barely breathe in my lungs.

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