Chapter 1: Romantic and action-packed

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Chapter 1: Romantic and action-packed

My shock stupor seemed to amuse my unexpected visitor. My own blinking told me that I was slowly becoming able to handle myself again.

"Jessy?!", finally I had found my speech again.

"What are you doing here?", my own question had caught me off guard. The first question uttered was followed by a thousand more questions in my head.

Why was she here?

How had she come here?

Above all, how did she know where I lived?

I had never given my address in all that time. Not to her, not to anyone else in the group. Even about the town I lived in, I never mentioned it.

Not even to Jake!


Had Jake found out my address?

But why hadn't he come himself?

Was he still in danger?

Or did he think I refused to see him?

Did he really had no idea how much I missed him?

That had to be obvious to him!

After all, I had revealed my feelings for him in the same way.

And if he was still in danger, he would never take the risk and research my address.

Or would it?

Or was I in danger?

Had his pursuers found out my address?

And was Jessy here to warn me?


None of this made any sense!

I wouldn't be able to give the FBI any information.

Apart from the fact that I no longer had any contact with Jake, I hardly knew anything about him. I didn't know what he looked like. The only thing he had told me was that he had black hair.

I had only ever heard his voice through a voice eater.

In general, he had been very sparse with information about himself. A fact that I had always accepted. He wanted to protect me and I knew that. At least since his pursuers had tried to hack my smartphone. Thanks to Nymos, a programme that he had installed on my mobile phone for my protection, they hadn't succeeded.

I wondered if Nymos was still active....

Jake would still protect me, wouldn't he?

Even though I knew absolutely nothing about this man, I knew that he was my soulmate. I didn't realise how weird this sounded. However, I probably wouldn't have cared about that fact either. I loved....

"You look awful!", Jessy snapped me out of my thoughts.


I had completely forgotten about her presence.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated my question and noticed how my tone became more and more unfriendly with every syllable.

" Why don't you let me come in first," Jessy said in a good mood and didn't let my dismissive attitude bother her.

"Yeah, sure...", I finally mumbled, still overwhelmed with the situation. Jessy's light-hearted, cheerful manner didn't exactly make it easier for me to sort out my thoughts. I had met her like this, but due to recent events I had not expected this.

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