Part 89

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Later, all the girls have left the house to go back to theirs. You're cleaning the house, putting pieces of the pizzas boxes in the trash. Leah is sat on the counter waiting for you to say something.

Y/n: What?

Leah: I know...

Y/n: You know what?

Leah: I know there's something going on between you and Laia.

Y/n: Who told you that?

Leah: It doesn't matter. I'm not mad at you, I just want to understand...

Y/n: You remember the night I went out with the girls at the pub?

Leah: Yes, you called with the kids before going there.

Y/n: I was pretty upset, pretty sad and angry... I got drunk during that night and... Laia was there, we danced together...

Leah: Did you kiss her?

Y/n: No...

Leah: Did she kiss you?

Y/n: No... She wanted to, but Mapi pulled me out of this...

Leah: Why you didn't tell me?

Y/n: Cause I want to be a better wife to you and this... this would have torn everything apart.

Leah: See, it didn't tear anything apart.

Y/n: I love you more than anything, Leah Williamson.

Leah: I love you too.

Leah holds her hand out to you, waiting for you to lock yours in hers. She pulls you closer, so you stand in front of her, between her legs. Your hands quickly get on thighs. You kiss her, and she replies with another one. The next day, you're both back at Arsenal like every other day. Everything is fine for you. You go through the morning training in the gym. You're on your way to the cafeteria with Beth and Viv, when you hear some screaming in the meeting room. You step, you land on Leah having an argument with Laia.

Y/n: What's going on in here?

Leah: Nothing...

Y/n: Okay, the whole academy heard you both screaming, so no, what's going on?

Leah: Let's say we solve our problems...

Laia: Leah accuses me of taking advantage of you at the pub the other night.

Beth: What?

Y/n: Leah?.... Can you guys leave us, please?

Laia, Beth and Viv leave the room.

Y/n: What the hell?

Leah: I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't do that but I needed to let her know that you're mine. You're my wife...

Y/n: I'll always be your wife, okay? ... I don't need you to play the bad girls and the possessive ones. My heart already belongs to you, and since years...

You give a kiss to Leah, before heading to the cafeteria. Skip a few days, it's Champions League night against the Olympic Lyonnais. Jonas found that you did very good things recently on the pitch in the championship but also during training sessions. You're playing in a sold out stadium, the Emirates Stadium.


13': Goal for Arsenal from Y/n Beckham; decisive pass from Beth Mead

22': Goal for Arsenal from Vivianne Miedema

27': Goal for OL from Kadidiatou Diani

37': Substitution for OL: Ellie Carpenter replaces Inès Jaurena

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