Part 64

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You head to your mom's room. Cruz is already there, spending some times with your mom. You drop your stuff and go give a kiss to your mom and brother.

Y/n: Hey you two. How was your day?

Victoria: Pretty quiet compared to before.

Y/n: And you? How was high school?

Cruz: Great, it was good.

Y/n: Cruz... You're a really bad liar. Did you have dad on the phone?

Victoria: He's coming back today from Los Angeles.

Cruz: Is he staying in UK?

Victoria: Yes, your dad is staying until I leave this world. It's all fine, my babies, everything is going to be okay.

Y/n: Brooklyn is in the UK...

Victoria: Did you see him?

Y/n: Yeah, I saw him before coming here... I have no idea if he's gonna come.

Victoria: It's okay. Brooklyn always had trouble with goodbyes since he was really young.

Cruz: Yeah, remember when Brooks cried because we buried Dingo.

Y/n: He loved that rabbit...

Cruz: We never managed to tell him that it was dad with his car that...

Y/n: ... Yeah, he never knew.

Victoria: He's a sensitive kid... I heard about your break with Arsenal, honey.

Y/n: I want to spend every minutes that is left with you. It's okay to miss a week or two, it won't affect my career.

Victoria: Honey...

Y/n: Mom, it's fine. I want to be next to you, when the final hour will come, not on the pitch shooting a ball.

Victoria: Fine... but promise me, you'll come back stronger than ever when I'll be gone.

Y/n: Mom...

Victoria: Y/n Maria Jane Beckham, promise me this, please.

Y/n: I promise you.

Victoria: And Cruz, promise me that you'll go back in high school when I'll be gone.

Cruz: I promise.

Victoria: Thank you... Will you bring me my grandchildren in the next few days?

Y/n: I will... I'll take them with me, next time.

Victoria: I love you so much. My babies. My beautiful four babies.

You're holding your mom's hand, smiling to her. You spend a the rest of the day with your mom and Cruz. At the end of the day, you drive back home. Leah is cooking dinner, while the twins are playing in their playground.

Leah: Hey

Y/n: Hey, you three. Austin left?

Leah: Yeah, I came back pretty early from training.

You take off your coat and your shoes. You go straight to Leah to give her a kiss, she pulls you immediately in her arms kissing your forehead.

Leah: How is your mom?

Y/n: She hangs on to us... But it won't be long, now.

Leah: And how is she approaching it?

Y/n: Very peacefully, which is the worst... Cruz is dropping class to be with my mom every day, Romeo is acting like everything is fine, I'm dropping Arsenal to be with her, and Brooklyn is too scared to face our dying mom...

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now