Part 85

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Suddenly, you feel a hand on your arm, pulling you away from Laia. You almost tripped but find back your balance your see that this hand belongs to Mapi.

Mapi: What are you doing?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Mapi: Okay, it's time to go home.

Y/n: Oh, come on, we're just having fun.

Mapi: No, you're not... You're sad... heartbroken.... torn apart... and you're messing up everything right now because you're scared that people could see that part of you...

Y/n: Other moral advices? 3 am is a little early for that.

Mapi: As you want... Whatever, I'm done. You want to cheat on Leah, want to kiss Laia, go ahead... You don't want our help, then I have nothing to do here.

Y/n: Maps...

Mapi: You lost your mom, you lost your spot in the England team, you lost your football level with Arsenal and you think your world is falling apart? But there's one thing you apparently forgot that Victoria would never, ever want you to fuck everything up. She was so proud of you... What a shame you become....

After those words, Mapi leaves the pub with Patri. You look at them leaving, powerless. You know she's just telling the truth. It is just hard to admit it.

Caitlin: Come on, night out is over. I'm gonna drive you back home.

Y/n: Okay...

Katie: Have a good night... I'll see you at you at home, Cait, I'm gonna drive Laia home.

Caitlin: Alright...

You take your things and follow Caitlin. You get in her car, depressed of what happened tonight.

Caitlin: If you throw up in my car, I swear I'll kill you.

She hands you a bottle of water, auditioned with a smile.

Caitlin: Drink this, you'll feel better.

Y/n: Thanks...

The next morning, you wake up on the couch in your house. Leah is supposed to play tonight against Spain. You open your eyes and the world seems to be a blur. You blink a few times and everything take back it normal shape. A little headache comes in too.

Ana Maria: Good morning, how do you feel?

Y/n: Like the most stupid person on Earth... They hate me, right?

Ana Maria: You'll be fine with Jill. Mapi is a little pissed at you but she just want you to be happy and safe...

Y/n: I know...

You get up and head upstairs. Ana Maria is really confused but also surprised to see you determined to do something of your day.

Ana Maria: Where are you going?

Y/n: I have something to do, this morning.

Ana Maria: Do you want me to come with you?

Y/n: No, I have to do this on my own.

You get ready. In the stairs, you cross Jill's path. She's pretty confused of seeing so energic today.

Jill: What's going on with her?

Ana Maria: I don't know. She apparently has something to do this morning.

Jill: What kind of thing?

Ana Maria: No idea, she didn't tell me.

Jill: I hope it's not a bad thing again.

A few minutes later, you're ready. You go back downstairs, put your shoes on and you grab your keys to head outside. You get in your car. On your way, you stop at a florist to buy the most beautiful bouquet of flowers in the store. You drive a little more, and you finally get to the cemetery. You pull over in the parking lot, you get in the cemetery and walk through aisles, searching for a grave. Finally, you find your mom's grave, Victoria Caroline Adams Beckham...

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