Part 73

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You go through the dinner and put the twins in bed. You find Leah lying on the couch watching TV, you go join her. You both watch a movie, when, suddenly, Leah reminds something...

Leah: Oh, I almost forgot that I have something for you...

You look at Leah, not understanding...

Leah: Your Christmas present...

Y/n: Oh, okay, right.

Leah gets up and leave the room for a minute to go grab an envelope that she hands to you when she comes back.

Y/n: Do we have some debts to pay?

Leah: No, open it.

You open the envelop and discover two planes tickets for Cyprus. You look at Leah, shocked by it but super happy.

Leah: You, me and Cyprus...

Y/n: For real?

Leah: You remember, I promised you we would go in Cyprus, the two of us.

Y/n: But when do you want to go, we don't have time to travel...

Leah: After the Euro... it could give us some fresh air...

Y/n: You're crazy, and I love you for that... I also have a Christmas gift for you.

Leah: Okay, what is it?

You get up and go open the door of the garage, letting someone comes in the room. Leah lands on this:

Leah: Who's that?

Y/n: Let me introduce to you, Taygo. Taygo, this is your mom, Leah Williamson.

Leah: Wait, what?

Y/n: This is our dog... I know you always wanted the picture of the perfect family with the perfect parents to the perfect children, the dog and the big house, living your dreams... This is one more step to this perfect picture... And I know the twins are gonna love him too...

Leah: They definitely will. We are both crazy, and I love you...

Skipping to following February. You're a lot better, finally accepting the fact that your mom isn't here anymore but you're dedicating every actions and moments of your life to her. You and Leah are really good. Jack and Lucas are walking now, and start pronouncing a few words to express themselves. You are sat in the garden, watching the boys playing with a football ball, when Leah's phone rings.

Leah: Oh, it's Sarina.

Leah answers the phone and starts walking around whilst talking to her. You can't hear what is being said due to the wind and Leah pacing around. She's quite nervous, you can tell.

Leah: Okay, thank you, Sarina. You can count on me.

Leah ends up the phone call, she turns to you and looks at you with a big smile on her smile.

Y/n: Babe?

Leah: I'm captaining the next England camp.

Y/n: I knew, you would. I'm so proud of you.

Leah: I love you.

Y/n: I love you more, captain.

Leah smiles at you, you can't stop smiling at her. You get closer to her, and you pull her in for a kiss. You go to join your sons, playing with them. You go through the dinner and then put the boys in bed. You're watching the TV in Leah's arms when you're going through your phone and realized you have a missed phone call. Sarina also tried to call you. You call her back.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now