Chapter 17

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Onyx's POV
I successfully avoided Tanner for the rest of the day. I walked into Buckley's room and saw he was playing a video game.

"Hi my love."

"Hey honey."

He paused his game then put the controller down. I walked up to his bed then threw myself down onto it.

"How do you feel today? How bad is your pain?"

"I've actually been okay. I went to my doctor today. My stitches were taken out."

"Really? Finally!"

He held out his wrist.

"It looks better than, I thought it would."

I picked up his wrist. I saw a fresh scar. I bent down and kissed his wrist.

"D-did that hurt?"

"Not really. You gonna kiss my ankle too?"

"Uh no."

He pulled me on top of him. I was laying on his chest and he was holding me extremely close to him. I pressed our foreheads together and started kissing him. We both ended up without our clothes on. I was straddling him and I was bouncing.

We both finished and I plopped down next to him. I put my head on his chest and started playing with his necklace.

His bedroom door opened and Bradley walked in.

"Oh shit. My bad. Didn't mean to walk in on you. I just needed to talk to Buck."

Buckley sat up. I held the blanket around my body. Bradley walked up to Buckley.

"It's about dad."

"What'd the dumbass do?"

"He talked his way into accidentally confessing."

"So he fucked himself?"

"Yeah. Basically. There might be a trial. Not sure yet. A detective just called mom."

I woke up sick as hell one day. I couldn't physically get ready for school. I was extremely nauseous and felt really fucking tired.

Buckley walked into my room. His foot was in a surgical walking boot.

"Look at you. Walking in style."

He chuckled. He walked up to me and sat down across from me.

"How was the doctor? Did you find out why you're sick?"

"Mhm. I actually did."

"What's wrong? Is it just the flu or something? Are you okay?"

"We're both okay!"

"Huh? Why'd you say that like you're talking about two people?"

"You'll see."

I slid my hand underneath my pillow and grabbed something. I pulled my hand out from underneath my pillow.

"You ready?"


I handed him ultrasound pictures.

"This is our baby. I'm sick because I'm pregnant."

"Is this real? Are you messing with me?"

"I'm not messing with you. It's real."

"Holy shit. I wasn't expecting this."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I-I'm good. I'm just in shock. I'm not mad or anything though. What do you want to do? Are we keeping the baby? I'm fine with whatever you want."

"Can we? Please?"

He nodded. My mom walked into my room. She was holding one of my reusable water bottles. She handed it to me and I felt how cold it was. I started drinking my ice cold water.


Ava was standing behind her.

"You're pregnant now? You get one boyfriend then turn into a slut."

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