Chapter: 36

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Slowly, I regained my consciousness, my eyelids fluttered open as I surveyed my surroundings.

I found myself lying in mine and Callum's bed, sunlight streaming in through the window and bathing the room in a warm glow.

Feeling stiff, I couldn't gauge how long I had been unconscious. The last memory I had was of blood seeping down my waist before everything went dark.

Despite the lingering ache in my side, I felt surprisingly well rested, something I hadn't felt all week prior.

As I sat up, propping myself against the headboard, I took a moment to reorient myself, feeling a pounding in my head at the movement. The room was empty, and I couldn't sense Callum's presence nearby.

The house was oddly quiet.

My wolf attempted to soothe me, likely unsettled by the recent events.

I sensed her longing for my company, prompting my frown as I pondered how much time had passed while I was unconscious.


Silence greeted me through our mind link, deepening my frown.

A strange sensation hung in the air, causing an unsettling feeling to surge within me.

Callum had shut me out. I could feel his frustration through our connection, but I couldn't communicate with him.

With a sigh, I gingerly rose from the bed, feeling a slight lightheadedness before regaining my composure.

Glancing down at the unfamiliar tank top I had been changed into, I lifted it to inspect the area where the laceration had been.

To my surprise, the wound had been meticulously cleaned and healed mostly, a faint mark still remaining behind. I normally healed faster than that.

Feeling somewhat weakened, I found it puzzling. Was I becoming weaker because I no longer trained as vigorously?

Having endured countless injuries during training in my upbringing, I was accustomed to rapid healing, within mere seconds. The sluggish pace of my recovery this time was unexpected, and concerning.

Descending the stairs, the sound of my footsteps reverberating in the quiet house, I made my way to the door.

Just as I reached for the handle to exit the house, Luke emerged together with Ivy.

"Luna," Luke addressed, appearing surprised. "You're awake."

Ivy gasped, before she attacked me in a tight embrace. "Thank god," she muttered before releasing me.

"Have you seen Callum?" I asked, glancing between the pair.

Luke hesitated at my question, glancing at me up and down, his brows furrowed.

"Some things transpired while you were unconscious. He doesn't know you're awake," was all he offered.

"He told us to keep an eye on you whilst attending to the pack," Ivy added. "He's been really hard on himself."

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