Chapter XXV: The Calm Before The Storm

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Luna's father-in-law is maneuvering the large vehicle that her family has also been living in. Cibor is in the distance repairing the armor of a pirate while other pirates are lined up holding items for repairs right behind him. The room in the vehicle everyone is in, is a floor connected past the house's basement. The room is large enough that it also lines up directly under the other houses that were later installed next to Luna's house. Erik is telling his brother Ryan and Bernard, "Luna's husband drove this vehicle himself after the reign of Adira. This landship helped clear the entire area of debris like rocks and discarded metals so the pirate nation would have a suitable resting ground. Before that, his father also was a brilliant driver for tanks like this as well. I'm surprised this one still runs smoothly. It's been buried under tons of dirt for years!" Luna hears this and she tells the Pirate King, "Oliver was proud of the duty he was tasked with sir. He always made the right repairs instantly. And woke up every day to work on and clean this entire vehicle for at least 6 hours a day. He always would tell me, "You never know when our people will need this. " it looks like he was right because here we are..." The pirate King replies, "Oliver was a very wise man Ms. Luna...I'll make sure we honor him with a victory in this battle."

She looks to the king and nods in agreement. And jumps up remembering something. She begins to say, "This reminds me. If victory is the goal. You have to at least have some type of armor and advanced weaponry protecting you. And you are almost rid of all of yours Mr. Sullivan."

Bernard is surprised she points this out. Then Luna motions for some of her people to step forward. The widowed mother then says, "I talked with a few of the soldiers about lending you the best pieces of their backup stock in weapons and armor. They gladly agreed once they knew who you were. TROOPS! Step forward and present Sullivan with your gear!"

The fighting pirates step forward and give Sullivan the best armor and weapons from their stock. He examines the pieces one by one. He tests a few of the weapons. He puts a weapon down. And looks to his new allies. He tells them, "These will work great. Thank you. I'll make sure to return all of these once we're done." He gives them a nod and begins to suit up.

As Luna watches everyone prepare themselves for battle she tells herself, "This vehicle will get us there in half the time! Gideon will be shocked seeing us. We'd be at risk of our home being destroyed. Forgive me, son. But without your father, this feels less of a home for me. Just like you I'm tired of running. I just wish I knew for sure if I'll make it back to thank our neighbors who live off the vehicle for watching the other two kids. If none of us don't make it back, they promised to help train them to be great warriors like their older brother. I pray we will all make it back. I know I'm no warrior. But for your father, I'll fight till my last breath in his honor." Luna's thoughts are interrupted when she hears her father-in-law say, "Well be near the war zone in about 20 minutes Luna." Luna replies, "Thank you Silver we should all be prepared by then."

Luna tries to hide the worry in her voice, and she succeeds, but all the worries now can be seen through her face. Then her gaze goes back to the legendary hero Bernard Sullivan and the pirate king Erik Lowell. And her worry eases. Through their presence, she remembers all the examples and stories of their leadership on the battlefield and begins to maintain her calmness throughout the rest of the trip.

Near King Erik and Bernard Sullivan

Erik tells Bernard, "We're nearing our destination hero. I hope the new set of weapons won't slow you down. I know you're typically a close-range type of soldier when you're in battle." Bernard replies, "I appreciate your concern pirate King, but no disrespect it seems you skipped the stories of me being adept at any weaponry that's been available to me." The king smirks and says, "You're right. Forgive me. Maybe that was my nervousness speaking to me."

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