Chapter V: War Hawk

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An aircraft hovers above the razhdarchidae's nesting grounds. Kapurma and Zachary peer down over the destroyed wooded area. The crackle of the flames leaves an ominous feeling in the air. Bernard tosses a piece of tech toward Kapurma to wear. He says, "Kap put this over your face for the smoke. We rushed over here way too early and forgot to get you armor for the fire. Hopefully, this mask will be enough."

Kapurma tells Bernard, "Thank you for your concern Bernard, but I did come prepared with my own armor." Kapurma pushes a large button from the strap holding his staff on his chest and a cloak shoots out from it. Kapurma wraps himself in the cloak and then tells Bernard and Zachary, "My Inekium cloak should be enough to protect me from the enemy and this heat." Kapurma straps on his mask and puts on his cloak's hood then says, "Alright, let us see what our foe has planned for us. Shall we?" Zachary and Bernard both nod in agreement. They both activate their gear. Their helmets materialize over their armor, then all three head off of the airship and drop to the nesting floors.

While on the ground Bernard scans the area for any signs of life. He tells his companions, "There's no one here. No signs of life, no cold corpses, nothing." Zachary who's also scanning the area confirms what Bernard is saying and then tells his partners, "Where could the guy be? Plus where are his droids?" Bernard says, "I don't like the look of this. This was obviously some sort of trap. We had no choice but to abide by his demands and now he wants to play games?"

Bernard walks into the open with no cover to guard him. He screams out a message for their foe to be heard. He says, " COWAAARD!! ENOUGH WITH THESE GAMES!! You wanted a fight!? The fight is here now! Honor your end of your demands and come out and meet your challenge!" A moment of uneasy silence lingers as Sullivan screams out his statement. Then a voice echoes from the air laughing. It says, "Ha ha Barney Sullivan, nice to finally meet you. Tales of your mere presence being intimidating enough for your foes to surrender have not been exaggerated at all!"

Out of nowhere Bernard and the rest of his friends hear a loud gust of wind putting out a fire from a near-distant entry to a cave. The entire crew looks in the direction of the sound and see their foe in Victor's armor sitting on a bloody and beaten razhdarchidae's back. He tells the razhdarchidae, "STEP FORWARD!" The beast listens. The foe continues to tell the razhdarchidae, "Bow down!" The beast lowers its head allowing the foe to step off. He tells Bernard, "I'm trembling with excitement!"

He walks forward to meet Sullivan Eye to eye. The pugilist says to his foe, "Earlier you said it was nice to finally meet me. That's all I needed to hear...I knew you weren't him!." The armored foe tilts his head in curiosity. Then out of nowhere a right hook from Bernard Sullivan connects with Victor's helmet in a blink of an eye knocking the foe off balance. Bernard instantly puts his foe in a headlock and then says, "Let's find out who you are shall we!?"

Sullivan reaches for the helmet to yank it off. But to Bernard's surprise, he's kicked from behind. Knocking both of the fighters forward and at the same time ruining the opportunity Bernard had in revealing the enemy's face. Bernard looks up to see who delivered the kick and sees that it was the razhdarchidae his foe was riding on earlier. The beast's face grimaced in pain. Bernard examines the beast further and notices tech attached to its neck, arms, and legs.

Bernard tells his foe, "Ahh you're controlling them. Your cowardice knows no bounds. The razhdarchidae are proud beasts. We've had our disagreements but no one deserves to be controlled against their will. I'll just add this to your tab you foul excuse for a human being!"

Kapurma and Zachary rush toward Bernard but are stopped in the middle of their tracks. With a snap of the foe's fingers, more enemies reveal themselves behind the walls of the fire. The eyas droids are accompanied by more razhdarchidae who are wearing the same tech as the one who kicked Bernard earlier.

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