Chapter XX: Strength

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The energy burning from Supremeo's left fist slowly melts the ice shards that prevent the droid from making a perfectly clenched fist. He slams his frozen hand across War Hawk's face shattering the ice. As War Hawk regains his footing. Supremeo answers the message he's put on hold earlier.

From the abilities of Supremeo's panoptes lenses in his eyes, Sylvia Caine pops up on a screen through Supremeo's visuals. She tells Supremeo, "Hey! What's going on with your comms? I'm reading parts of your systems are frozen. Was the communication system one of them!?"

While dodging War Hawk's strikes Supremeo tells his co-creator Sylvia, "No. I was just tangled in a battle at the moment and needed to focus on my opponent for a little. What's going on Sylvia?" She tells the aiutu, "I'm sending help. Also right now your systems are directing the gemstone to use some of the energy to melt the ice. It looks like lasers, missiles, melee attacks, and attacks using your center stone are the only options, but when you use energy from any of those stones while your system is still melting the ice. The attack strength will be cut in half. In about 1 minute all systems should return to normal."

While in battle Supremeo says, "Sounds good. Also, you said you were sending help. Who's coming? Rainer and Zachary are here along with backup from Edenn. I wouldn't want any more people coming into this fight if they haven't had experience with who and what they're about to deal with."

Sylvia replies telling Supremeo, "I understand but it's not gonna be another group of people. It's Cibor, and he's got a little thing I've been working on that I'm sure would be able to help you. Sorry, I couldn't give it to you earlier. There were a few bugs that needed to get worked out."

Supremeo asks, "What do you have for me? And are you sure he can deliver this while I'm fighting?" Sylvia answers Supremeo telling him, "I think it'll be better to see yourself. He should be dropping in at any moment."

As soon as Sylvia says this both she and Supremeo are interrupted by another incoming message. Right next to Sylvia's window in Supremeo's sight, another window pops up through Supremeo's visual. It's Cibor. Right behind him both Supremeo and Sylvia can see the scenery behind, Cibor flying past him at an extreme pace.

While fighting the enemy droid Supremeo asks Cibor, "Cibor! Where are you at my friend?" To Supremeo's surprise, Cibor tells him, "Right above you!"

Both droids look to the sky and see Cibor gliding on a contraption Supremeo assumes is what was meant for him. Cibor shouts, "Hey! Up here, Bossman!" Cibor flashes his hi-tech rifle he used as a cane and unleashes a powerful plasma blast toward the feet of War Hawk. This blinds the droid and pushes it back while piles of dirt cloud the air shrouding both Cibor and Supremeo from War Hawk's sight.

Cibor turns to Supremeo and says, "Read the intel on your combat log. Saw he had a weapon that could absorb energy projectiles." Cibor thinking his entrance tactic into battle was enough to buy time to talk with Supremeo was smart, but unfortunately for him, it wasn't smart enough. They weren't in the clear yet. Glowing orange eyes reflect behind the dirt clouds, followed by another glowing purple aura. From behind the clouds War Hawk is using sensors in his helmet to track Cibor. The droid has his talons ready and ignited with the flames from the gemstones that were taken from Supremeo.

Supremeo yells out, "Cibor! Watch out!" Supremeo launches his left arm to grab his friend, but is instantly shocked when the device he flew in on pulls him away safely from the enemy's attack.

Supremeo redirects his flying arm toward War Hawk which strikes him with the force like it was taking a rocket to the face. Both droids fly to a safe distance so Cibor can complete his delivery.

Once both droids are at a safe distance Supremeo asks Cibor, "What have you got for me?" Cibor steps off the "glider" while having a similar-looking one on his back. Cibor motions his arms toward the glider on the floor and tells Supremeo, "This is the E.J.P. 2. Or the Evasive Jet Pack 2. It's 2 because..." Supremeo interrupts Cibor because he already knows why and says, "It's based on Elias's tendril backpack."

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