Chapter 13: Jaydin's Secret

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The weekend had finally come to an end, it was now Monday and it was back to regular classes. Like usual, a majority of the home room class were struggling to wake up. What was unusual though, was that Reeka was not in that group. She was wide awake and had a huge smile on her face.

"You're more awake than usual" Barbara said with her usual deadpan expression.

"I just slept better that's all" Reeka said.

"After your date with Jaydin yesterday" Barbara said bluntly.

Reeka's expression instantly changed to one of embarrassment. Her cheeks blushed deep crimson.

"I-I-It's n-not l-l-like that!!" She said frantically.

Jaydin saw Reeka acting weird. "You okay Reeka?"

Reeka stiffened up upon hearing her crush speaking to her.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay!" She said quickly.

Jaydin titled his head in confusion, but ultimately just shrugged it off. Zoroark however, had a pretty good idea why she reacted like that, causing her to have mixed feelings about it.

The morning classes eventually got underway, however Reeka couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. It was undoubtedly one of the happiest days of her life. One thing that bothered her though was Jaydin making movements to keep his shirt from blowing up.

It was finally P.E. and this time the class was held at the pool.

"Alright kids, today you'll be doing class in the pool. So grab the school swimsuits and get changed" the Teacher said.

"Does this mean we'll get to see Jaydin and Damian shirtless?!" One girl whispered with excitement.

"Best day ever!" Another girl whispered.

Reeka also thought about seeing Jaydin shirtless, although not in a perverted way like all the other girls.

'Come to think of it, I haven't seen him shirtless even once, and we live together. Why does he look so adamant about being seen shirtless?' Reeka thought.

Jaydin suddenly walked up to the teacher. He whispered something into his ear. The teacher nodded.

"Principal Lillie has already informed me, you can do homework if you want to" the teacher said.

Jaydin nodded and thanked him. All the other students looked on in confusion as Jaydin and Zoroark walked to a secluded area near the pool.

"What was that about?" Reeka said to herself. Pikachu jumped onto Reeka's shoulder and shared her intrigued expression.

Damian formed a smirk. "Looks like I found his weakness."

All the other students grabbed the school swimsuits and entered their respective changing rooms.

All the girls emerged first. They were all wearing a navy blue one piece with red stripes on the sides. The Academy logo was imprinted on the back. Reeka had prescription goggles on, as did Pikachu, Reeka's hair was tied up in pigtails.

All the guys soon came out. They were all wearing bathing shorts that had the same color patterns as the girls'. The Academy logo was imprinted on the right side.

All the guys tried to impress the girls by flexing their muscles, however the girls didn't look impressed, and not even remotely interested. That changed when Damian emerged, showing off his early 6 pack and muscles. All the girls squealed and had hearts in their eyes. Damian flexed at all the girls, even Reeka. However this caused Reeka to look away, feeling grossed out at the sight. All the other guys were angry at Damian for showing off.

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