Chapter 12: Is This a Date?!

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With the first major exams now over, everyone could finally take a breather. The next major exams, which were the midterms, would be taking place a little over a month from now, however Jaydin and the others weren't too worried. Speaking of, Jaydin and his Pokemon were currently training out on the beach. Reeka, Pikachu and Meltan watched them train.

"He definitely trains a lot" Meltan said.

"I'm sure he'd do it for hours on end if he had the chance" Pikachu added.

The two expected Reeka to add something, however she didn't. They turned to see Reeka staring at Jaydin with a look that suggested she had entered a trance like state.

Reeka was staring at Jaydin as he trained his Pokemon. Her mind kept replaying all the memories the two have shared.

'He's so good at everything he does, so why does he kept wanting to be associated with me?' Reeka thought.

"You can do it Reeka!" Past Jaydin's voice echoed.

Reeka's mind played the memory of him saying that.

"We are friends aren't we?" Past Jaydin said as that memory played.

One of her favorite memories played next.

"You both might as well be best friends" Past Pikachu said.

"I'm fine with that" Past Jaydin said.

Reeka blushed as her heartbeat grew faster. She placed a hand over her heart and felt it beating faster.

'What the? Why is my heart suddenly beating so fast? And my face feels hot. What's happening?' Reeka thought.

"Reeka? Hey Reeka!" Pikachu called out.

Reeka jolted as she came back to her senses.

"Wha?! I-I'm still here!" She said a little louder than usual.

"Are you alright? You looked like you were in a trance" Meltan said with worry.

Reeka smiled. "I'm alright you guys. I was just lost in thought" she said as she petted Pikachu's and Meltan's heads.

She looked back at Jaydin, confused why she got lost in a trance.

Eventually Jaydin told everyone to take a break. He finally noticed Reeka sitting nearby.

"Oh hey Reeka, I didn't know you were there" he said while walking towards her.

Reeka giggled. "I'm not surprised that you wouldn't have considering how deep you were into training."

Jaydin chuckled as he scratched his cheek. He took a seat right next to Reeka. The two sat in silence as they observed the ocean.

"It's always nice to look out at the ocean isn't it?" Jaydin said.

"It is, I used to do it all the time on my mansion's balcony in Sunyshore City" Reeka said.

"It just gives you a peace of mind right?" Jaydin said.

"It does" Reeka said.

"I'd always look at the ocean whenever I was traveling in a city that had a view of the ocean. It's one of the things that Ash learned, to just enjoy the little things" Jaydin said.

"That's a great way to look at it" Reeka said. She suddenly thought of something. "You talk about Ash a lot, I'm guessing you're a huge fan of his."

Jaydin chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess I am. I've been a fan of him since I was 5."

"Wow, that's a long time, I've actually been a fan of Serena since I was 5" Reeka said.

"Serena? You mean the Kalos Queen Serena?" Jaydin said.

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