Chapter 10: School Escapades

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It's been a few days since the semester started for Jaydin and the others. Classes have proven to be pretty challenging for everyone, or at least everyone except for Jaydin and his Pokémon. The classes have been surprisingly easy for them, much to Reeka and her Pokémon's amazement. All the students continued to marvel over Jaydin's performance. All the girls grew even more infatuated by him, even submitting a request to the school to make a Jaydin Silver Fan Club, which was ultimately rejected.

In the academic classes, Jaydin paid close attention to the board while most of the other students were either tired or uninterested. He and Zoroark were currently in Basic Algebra class, which was the first class of the day, which meant almost everyone else was still struggling to wake up, including Reeka and Pikachu.

The teacher finished writing an unfinished problem. He turned to face the class.

"Now then, which one of you knows the answer to this problem?" He looked around and saw most of the class barely awake. "Come on kids, it's not nap time anymore" he said sternly. He suddenly saw someone's hand in the air. He looked and saw it was Jaydin's. He pointed at him, signaling him to answer.

"It's 64" Jaydin answered.

"You are correct" he said with a smile.

Jaydin lowered his hand. Zoroark smiled happily at him. Next up was English Class. The teacher wrote a few sentences on the board. She turned and faced the class, who were all awake by now.

"Now which one of you can tell me which sentence is correct?"

Most of the students grunted as they didn't know. Jaydin once again raised his hand up.

"It's the second one" he answered.

"Correct, well done" she said.

Jaydin sighed with relief. 'That was kind of a coin toss actually' he thought.

Zoroark didn't know it at all, nor almost anything else so far. 'What is this crap? Do humans actually have to learn this much? Isn't it the language they speak?'

Next up was chemistry. The teacher had said it was one of Ash's and Clemont's favorite subjects, which had immediately peaked Jaydin's interest. Surprisingly, Pokemon were allowed to assist their trainers in some of the experiments. Jaydin and Zoroark worked together while Reeka and Pikachu worked together. Reeka and Pikachu were actually pretty good at this subject, finding it just as fun as Jaydin does. The four formed a group for the semester, which made all the girls jealous and would shoot glares at Reeka. Said person was surprised when Jaydin and Zoroark asked to form a group with her and Pikachu. This meant they would be graded together, meaning if Reeka got a C on an experiment, Jaydin would also receive a C. This would obviously make Reeka scared, but the two both excelled at this subject, so it didn't worry her too much.

The final normal academic class of the day for the two was P.E. and it was a class they unfortunately shared with Damian.

Damian walked up to Jaydin. "Hey show off, let's have a game of Basketball" he said with a smirk.

Jaydin frowned. 'Again? He's already challenged me to a battle, why is he doing it again?'

"And why should I? I've already beaten you" Jaydin said.

"That was just a fluke, and I was just having an off day. Plus I'm pretty good at sports too, so there's no way I'll lose" he said arrogantly.

Jaydin and Zoroark looked at each other. Jaydin looked at Damian again.

"Fine then" he said.

Damian smirked. "Good. But let's make it interesting. We'll do a 4v4. You and three of your Pokemon against me and mine, sound good?"

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