Chapter 2: Seven Years Later

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A beam of fire burst out and pushed a Pokemon into the opposite wall. After the attack ended, it showed a Mega Lucario grunting from the pain. It reverted back to normal.

"Lucario is unable to battle, Zoroark wins!" The referee declared.

"So strong..." Korrina said to herself.

She recalled Lucario and thanked him. Zoroark returned to Jaydin's side.

"Nice job partner" he said as he bumped his fist against hers.

"Thanks, it was fun" she said.

They all went to the middle of the battlefield.

"You sure are strong, that Zoroark is something else" Korrina said.

"Thanks, although me and Zoroark still have a long way to go" Jaydin said.

"Well regardless, as proof of your victory, here is the Rumble Badge" Korrina said as she held out the badge.

Jaydin took it and put it in his pocket.

"By the way, how many badges do you have?" Korrina asked.

"I've got 7 now" Jaydin replied nonchalantly.

"Wow, so you're almost qualified to enter the Kalos League then" Korrina said.

"I suppose, but I don't have any interest in entering it for now" Jaydin replied.

This confused Korrina. "Then why are you doing Gym Battles if you're not going to enter the league?"

Jaydin shrugged. "Gym Battles just sound more fun."

He suddenly got a brainwave.

"Actually, while I'm still here, is it possible I could acquire a Key Stone?" He asked.

Korrina was surprised to be asked that.

"I can ask my grandpa first, could you possibly wait in the city while I ask him?"

Jaydin nodded. "That's fine, I have to give all my Pokemon a checkup anyway."

After that, they split off. Korrina went to the tower to inform her grandfather while Jaydin and Zoroark headed back towards the Pokemon Center.

"You were being too nice" Zoroark said.

"About what?" Jaydin asked.

"About only preferring to challenge Gyms and no Leagues" Zoroark said. "You know any of us could breeze through it if we went all out."

"I guess, but it's better to save it for when we battle World Monarch Ash" Jaydin said. "Plus having access to Mega Evolution will increase our chances of winning."

As they kept walking, Jaydin saw people whispering to each other while glancing at him.

'Why are they all staring? Is there a booger hanging down my nose or something? Is it how I'm dressed?'

Jaydin was wearing a blue jacket with a hoodie with the sleeves cut off just before the elbow. A plain black shirt underneath. Black pants with a black belt buckle that extended down his right leg. Red and black shoes. Fingerless gloves with Orange Velcro. A red and white hat with a black Cherish Ball symbol on the front.

His hair was longer now and just as messy as ever. He also lost all his freckles on his face and has become very clean. It's only logical that he would unknowingly turn some heads.

He gripped his cap bridge as he looked away and kept walking forward. Some of the girls looked at each other while pointing at him.

"Did you see him? He is so sexy" one of them said.

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