Chapter 4:

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down," Thomas said as he grabbed Aidan's wrist.

Aidan shot him a glare and yanked his arm free, not liking the thought of being touched by strangers.

"I am perfectly calm. I am actually way calmer than I should be, considering two complete strangers who are obviously nothing, but trouble is inside my house."

"Listen, we weren't going to steal anything. We just~," Thomas trailed off, trying to think of an excuse but falling short. He glanced over at Ian for help, who was looking out the window.

"Okay, you have no reason to believe us, but we really aren't here to steal. We are in a way trying to recruit you."

"Recruit me?" Aidan raised a questioning eyebrow and decided to put his phone away.

Thomas nodded his head quickly before holding his hand out to Aidan with a wide smile on his face.

"Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Thomas Frisby, that is Ian Aoki."


"No last name?"

"Do you need it?"

"Okay, fair I guess though we did just give our last names."

"You are the ones who offered. I never made an agreement."

"He is a tough one," Ian said with an irritating grin on his face. Thomas felt defeated and dropped his hand after being left hanging.

"Anyway. Recruitment for what? A gang? If so, no."

"What? Why not?"

"I can think of several reasons. One, I just graduated high school. Two, won't look good on my record. Three, I plan to go to college, get my degree and become a teacher."

"But you would be perfect, you are smart, strong, and not scared of anything," Thomas said.

"Plus, you can still go to college. You can live a double life," Ian spoke up.

"Doesn't mean I want to join a gang. Plus, that seems way too troublesome. If this is it, please leave. I am exhausted, I am normally in bed by 10:30 because I wake up early."

"Will you at least think about it?" Thomas asked, and Aidan hummed.

"I did, the answer is no."

"But you gave it two seconds."

"If I say yes, will you leave?" Aidan asked.

"Yes, to the recruitment?" Thomas asked hopefully.

"No, to think about it."

"Oh, yes, I guess. We can come back later."

"I rather you didn't, but yes, I will think about it," Aidan mumbled going to his closet.

"Great, see you tomorrow!"

"Not in my house, you won't."

"Right, bye-bye! Let's go Ian~"

Ian got up from his spot near the window and followed before stopping near Aidan.

"Sorry about him, he can be a bit... overbearing, if you join us, you will get used to it."

"Right, well I have no intentions of joining you guys," Aidan mumbled.

"Well, I won't tell him that."

Ian left with Thomas and Aidan went to the front door and locked it. Once he made sure all of his windows and doors were locked, he went back to his room and fell on his bed. He glanced over at his alarm clock, and it was already pushing 1:30 AM. Too much happened today and the day completely got away from him.

He ran over the events that happened, putting them in the order they happened, which seemed to have kept him up.

One. Graduation happened, that's good.

Two. I almost got shot today, that's bad.

Three. I got forced to go to a party because I didn't want those idiots to find me. Bad.

Four. Orlando confessed and kissed me. Fuck Orlando kissed me! That's bad. Right? Yes, that's bad. I think. Well yes, it was without my consent after I rejected him.

Five. The two idiots managed to find where I lived. Very bad. Really bad. Maybe I should move back to my grandfather's lake house. I haven't been there since he died.

He slammed a pillow on his face, almost wanting to suffocate himself. His thoughts kept running, and it was starting to get annoying. He closed his eyes, before snapping them back open. He sat up suddenly, looking around his room.

"They broke into my room, and I heard them rummaging. Did they take anything?" He mumbled as he started to search his room for anything that could be out of place. He went to his closet and pulled out a chest that seemed to still be locked. He unlocked it anyway just to make sure his contents were still safe.

Once he checked everything, he went to grab his book bag that held the gun and placed it in the chest before locking it again. He kept it loaded but made sure the safety was still on. Once he was sure everything was in the original place, and nothing was missing he grabbed his phone before seeing a missed call from someone he didn't want to talk to.

From: Orlando

To: Aidan

'Hey. Listen, what I did was wrong. I am really sorry; I betrayed your trust. Can you meet me outside? I promise I won't do anything weird.'

From: Aidan

To: Orlando

'It's like 2 AM, shouldn't you be home?'

From: Orlando

To: Aidan

'I should, but... I want you to forgive me.'

From: Aidan

To: Orlando

'Not right now, I don't want to talk with you. Good night.'

Aidan blocked Orlando's phone number and muted it before laying down and closing his eyes. He knew he had to get some rest since he worked the early shift tomorrow, he sighed softly and covered his head with his blanket.

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