Chapter 25

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It was several days into the new year when everything went crumbling down.

Back to work, I had put Billy's words about the CEO position out of my mind. I had more important things to to think about.

However, Max's phone call one morning changed everything.

I hadn't heard from him since I wished him a merry christmas over the phone. Now, his voice sounded more tired than I remembered.

"Where are you right now?" he asked.

"At work. Why? Is something wrong?" I asked.

A heavy sigh was his only reply. He was quiet for several seconds. I knew not to rush him.

"The board of directors is having a meeting right now."

My mind immediately went to Meryl and Billy's threats.

"They're voting me out," I guessed out loud.

"You knew?" Max asked.

I rose from my seat and stood by the glass wall. My eyes looking yet not seeing the busy streets below.

"Billy and Meryl were spouting some nonsense about the CEO position," I replied a few heartbeats later. "I didn't actually think..."

I hadn't thought they would succeed. I had been doing a stellar job, no board of directors in their right mind would vote me out.

However, I knew that if my father, Graham, was on board with Billy and Meryl, then I would be voted out. He was the chairman of the group. His influence within the board was not negligible.

I had never bothered to nurture a personal relationship with the directors. I had done my job the best I could and maintained a cordial relationship with those I was in touch with due to my work.

I had never before thought I'd be put in this position.

"I'm sorry, my dear," Max said. "I know how much the company means to you. If you want, I can-"

"No need, Max," I said. I didn't want to drag him to my mess. "Don't worry about it. I'll talk to you later, alright?"


"Thank you."

I hung up and, turning, I put my phone in the pocket of my steel blue dress pants. My insides bubbled with anger.

Beneath it, however, was a sense of betrayal. There was no reason I should feel betrayed.

Graham surely knew what the company meant for me. He knew it was one of the last things my grandmother had given me. Yet he had gone ahead and took it away from me.

He was supposed to be my father. Yet he had never been. I should never have expected him to act like one.

I pushed a button on my landline. "Amanda, please find out where the board meeting is taking place."

"Right away."

By the time I put on my blazer and went out, Amanda had the location. I kept the raging storm safely inside and took the elevator to the location.

People moved out of my way. I must be more icy than usual. I had grown used to the looks and whispers over the past few days. Miranda's fame put me into the spotlight. My relationship with Ryan was the subject of press speculation, according to Eleanor.

What my sister didn't say was that a good number of the posts about me described me as the cold bitch who would not mind tearing apart a family. Apparently, Miranda and Ryan were thinking of getting back together, but my presence was driving a wedge between the two parents.

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