By Her Side

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AJ walked ahead of Clem and I, his gun drawn as I helped Clem. The sun began to rise, a soft golden glow breaking through the trees. Clem limped along, holding the axe tightly in her hand and I walked at a pace that kept up with AJ while it wasn't too fast for Clem...even though I'd carry her if I had to. The echo of walkers groaned around us, and I just wanted it to stop. It was like a constant ringing, but worse. AJ glanced back at Clem and I a few times...and we all had the same heavy thought weighing our minds...Clem's bite.

"Hey. I love you," Clem spoke up, stopping in her tracks. I stopped with her. "Both of you. AJ walked a little further before he stopped, looking down. "Don't ever forget that."

AJ turned around, unable to meet Clem's gaze. I wasn't able to look at her either without tearing up. "I love you too, Clem." AJ looked up at her.

"I..." I trailed off, shaking my head slightly. "I love you, too..." I whispered and softly kissed her cheek.

Clem smiled a little, but the walkers kept growing closer. I heard a crow caw in the distance...I loved those beautiful black birds, but right now all it reminded me of was a death omen.

"Keep moving forward," Clem said and began to walk, and I walked with her.

AJ walked ahead of us, and after a few more quick steps—we saw a familiar building in the center of a clearing.

"Look!" AJ exclaimed, "James' barn!"

"Good eye," I smiled sadly.

"It's empty now. We'll be safe in there," AJ said.

The groans of walkers rang out as they began to swarm, stumbling out of the woods. I quickly scooped Clem up into my arms, being cautious not to hurt her leg.

"Can't these damn things just quit?!" I growled, "Run, now!"

Without a second to lose, AJ and I took off toward the barn, and I held Clem close to my chest. AJ shot any walkers that got close, and I managed to avoid any others as the barn got closer and closer. However—hundreds of walkers, or more—poured out from the trees. I was terrified...I never imagined seeing so many at once.

"Go, AJ! Get the door open!" I instructed. AJ looked up at me worriedly. "I got her. We'll be right behind you."

AJ nodded and ran over, opening the door as I ran towards it myself. I glanced down at Clem...she wasn't looking so good. Her mocha colored skin was slowly turning pale, and her eyes were starting to look like she hadn't gotten sleep in weeks.

"C'mon, Y/N! You can make it!" AJ called from the open door.

I barely made it to the door as the herd of walkers tried to push their way inside, but AJ began to shoot them as I held the door shut with all my weight. AJ ran over to help, leaning against it with all his weight, too. We managed to shut the door and Clem looked up at AJ from my arms, her cheekbones becoming a little more defined.

"We need to find something to stick between the handles," Clem said.

"That pitchfork, AJ!" I said and looked over. "I'll keep this closed."

AJ nodded and ran over and grabbed it, raising it up.

"Quick! Bar the door," Clem told him.

Quickly AJ went to slide the handle of the pitchfork through the door handles, but a walker managed to break the door open. I nearly fell forward and almost dropped Clem, but I kept my weight against the door as AJ speared the walker with the prongs of the pitchfork. I managed to shut the door again after AJ threw the walker back.

"Jam it through!" I exclaimed and AJ turned the pitchfork around.

He was then able to brace the door, holding back the walkers that were trying to slam it open. I ran away from the door and gently set Clem on her feet.

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