A Late Beginning

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While I walked in the direction of the smoke that was looming overhead—I took in the forested surroundings, and then looked down at my own body. I was in a stained, off-white (I assumed it was originally white), shirt with a dirty leather jacket over it. For pants, I was in torn up and dirty jeans—that were patched up in a few places. I had a belt that had a make-shift gun holster on it, and a knife sheath strapped to my leg. I had on a pair of well-worn boots that went up to my knees. I was too busy inspecting myself as I walked—and nearly ran into a tree. "Shit–" I grumbled and looked up and saw that I had finally made it to the source of the smoke. It was a car that was flipped and crashed into a tree. There was also a bit of smoke billowing from the building nearby. Off in the distance I heard voices that grew closer–and the groan of something even closer.

(An example of Y/N's clothes/accessories:)

I whipped around, brandishing the hatchet—and my eyes widened with fear as they landed on a living corpse that was stumbling towards me

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I whipped around, brandishing the hatchet—and my eyes widened with fear as they landed on a living corpse that was stumbling towards me. I immediately recognized the scene. Without a thought, and a little hesitance, I sunk the blade right through the soft skin and skull of the Walker–spattering myself with fresh-ish blood. Without a second to lose, I dashed to the car and got down to look inside...I saw a girl and a little boy, the girl in rough shape. "Shit—shit!" I muttered in surprise, recognizing these people instantly...especially the blue and white cap that lay on the ground. I raced to the other side just as the other people ran over, and I rushed to help the girl while they got the boy...weakly, the girl in my arms reached out towards the boy as the other group lifted him out of the wreck. "No...please..." she said weakly, before falling unconscious in my arms. I stood up and barely ducked a Walker that was behind me before I locked eyes with the other kids. In a heartbeat I snatched the dirty hat off the ground, knowing how important it was. I then booked it after the other kid in a long coat who had the boy in his arms.

The two others stayed back and took out more walkers, before running behind us and into the woods. As I ran, I couldn't believe what was happening or who was in my arms. Many thoughts raced through my head, but the one that sunk in the most was, 'You're in The Walking Dead. You're in Telltale's game, Y/N...You're in—season 4...' I looked up and slid to a halt, looking up and seeing the giant iron gate, at the top it read 'Ericson Academy'. Aka, Ericson's School for Troubled Youth.

"Willy, open the gate!" The guy beside me shouted...or should I say, Louis. "Hurry, we have injured!" The girl—Violet called up. The boy at the post had clambered down the ladder and rushed to open the gate for the group. A few others ran over, a red-headed girl and a young boy, who had a massive scar down the side of his face.

"Shit—get the girl first," The long-haired blonde boy said, this kid being Marlon. I passed Clementine off to the red-head, Ruby. The girl gave me an odd look before walking off, Louis had followed behind her with AJ. Marlon and Violet then turned to me, both giving a weary stare. "Now that they're getting tended to...we have time to ask you questions." Marlon spoke, crossing his arms with a stern expression. "Look...I—I was, with a group. Quite a while away. We got separated by a horde of Walkers, and I had to run into the woods. I made a narrow escape," I began to explain—remembering the story I came up with while in the shower once. It was an OCs backstory, "I've been in the forest for a few days now. I was asleep and woke up because of that crash." I told the other two that stood before me, who looked at one another before back at me. "How old are you?" Violet asked, putting a hand on her hip as her eyes narrowed. "I'm sixteen...maybe seventeen, depending on what month it is." I said and both of them seemed to relax, just a bit. "Alright...well..." Marlon said and rubbed his neck, "You're welcome to stay, I guess. You did help those other two without any hesitation." He said with a small smile and held out his hand. "I'm Marlon," He introduced himself, and although I knew the truth about everything already...I had to go along with it...even if I knew about Minnie and Sofie and what happens to Brody and what AJ does. "I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you, Marlon. Let alone people around my age in general." I said with a smile, before turning to Violet. "And you are?" I asked, raising a brow. "Violet. It's alright to meet you, Y/N." The girl said before she turned back to Marlon. "I'm gonna go talk to the others about the situation." She said and he nodded, I watched as Violet walked away before I looked back at Marlon.

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