Days to Nights

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We all had a busy day of trying to convince the others that Clem and AJ weren't as bad as they were making them out to be. I helped around as much as Clementine and Ruby would allow. I managed to sneak out and do a bit of hunting (even though I got hell when I came back), and while I was out and about I stumbled on a little watering hole that seemed undisturbed. The water was crystal clear and I saw no walkers at the bottom...I kept note of the place and went back to the school, and the sun set quickly on this day. Clementine and I made our way back to our room where I was greeted by Verena, who was more than happy to see me and AJ was already in bed sound asleep. Clem took my hand and led me over to her bed, before making me sit down.

"Clem, I'll be fine," I tried to protest, sitting down because she was pushing me down by my shoulders. I looked up at her—and the way the moonlight fell on her through the window as she held me down and she gave me a very stern face started to heat up as my cheeks flushed a light pink. It was a little hot...okay, maybe more than a little. Verena had jumped up beside me before curling up on the pillow.

"Y/N, you're straining yourself," Clem said, her tone sounding strict—while laced with concern.

"I'm really fine, Clem," I told her, resting my hands in my lap.

"I don't want you to reopen that wound of yours," Clem said and let go of my shoulders before she took a step back. "We're going to need you to be better by the time those raiders come, and pushing yourself while you're healing isn't going to help."

"I promise, I'll be better by the time they show up," I said and chuckled softly to myself. She was cute—being so concerned.

"Alright, that means you're also going to promise you're going to take it easy from now on, right?" Clem asked, before turning around and looking at AJ for a moment.

"I can pinky promise," I replied, glancing down at something for a moment before I looked back up at her, "Peach."

Clem stayed quiet for a minute, and I heard the long sigh she gave of disappointment. "You better," she turned around and crossed her arms. "And why do you keep calling me 'Peach'?"

"Well, you look kinda like the girl on a can of peaches," I said with a smile—that quickly morphed into a semi-flirtatious and teasing smirk, "and you also have a nice peach...if you catch my drift."

Clementine just stared at me in disappointment, shaking her head...she definitely caught my drift though—since I saw her cheeks flush a light red. "Y/N get your mind out of the gutter. This is important."

"I know, I know..." I sighed.

"Then if you know, you're sleeping on that bunk you're sitting on and promising me you're not gonna overwork yourself," Clem glared, like she was staring right into my soul.

"I promise I won't overwork myself," I said and put a hand over my heart and raised the other one like I made an oath to her. "But there's no way I'm gonna let you sleep on that top bunk."

"Well, where else would I sleep?" Clem asked, crossing her arms.

"We..." I trailed off at the thought. "We could share the bottom bunk," I suggested, looking up at her. My face had a light dusting of pink again.

"Fine," Clem said and shook her head with a small smile. "Just don't shove me off the bed."

"No promises there," I chuckled.

Clem rolled her eyes with a soft and content sigh, before the door opened behind us. We both looked over and saw Louis in the doorway, he was holding clothes in his hands.

[COMPLETED] All or Nothing | Clementine (S4) x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now