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During lunch,I sat with the football players beside Darren,Allison was there also and so was some other girls with their different boyfriend or maybe flings.

Darren held my waist pulling me closer to himself while we ate, it was something he does alot. At first i wasn't comfortable with it but soon I got used to it.

"You baddddd" One of the players said high-fiving the other. "Smashing her was no big deal,can't believe she wasn't a virgin, would have loved that fresh and untouched vagina" Those kind of talks are what makes me irritated and makes me decide against sitting with Darren. They talk about girls like piece of meat and not even remorseful that some girls are actually seated with them.

When i first sat down with them and heard those dirty words,I had thought that Darren would stop them but he didn't, rather he stayed quiet during such conversations. It was okay as long as he was not part of them.

"Darren,how was little miss cheer in bed?" Hearing such perverted question made me mad and yet i couldn't help but blush because Darren and i haven't had sex yet.

I anticipated his answer but Darren never spoke "Oh,I see. So little miss over here haven't given you some? Still a virgin?" The guy stared at me licking his lips "Dude stop" Darren finally spoke up,his grip on me tightened in protection.

"Come on,can't you share?" The guy smirked "Yeah Darren,little miss. What do you say about a threesome" He winked and he made me want to vomit.

Darren was surprisingly quiet. Angrily,i stood up with my tray and threw it on Darren who gaped at me in surprise, then i walked away. The whole cafeteria was quiet "Feisty" The guy said.

I heard someone say "I'll do it,just sit here" before i was finally out of the cafeteria. Tiana wasn't sitted inside,she always sneaks outside  somtimes to a Starbucks to eat there claiming the cafeteria food as trash and i agree but today, i kinda wanted her around. I went to the restroom to wash my face and planned to stay in there for along time incase Darren is outside waiting on me.

Instead, the door opened "This is the girls restroom,what..." I stopped when i saw Allison "I know that, why do you think am here?" She raised a brow and rested on the sink.

"Sorry,I thought you were someone else" I mumbled. I don't know why my voice always go low whenever she's around me.

"Darren had to go wash up after your explosion. I didn't come here to judge or blame you" She said quickly.

"So,why are you here?" I asked with the same low voice.

"To check up on you and tell you that Henry is a douchebag, don't take whatever he says to heart. He talks to me like that all the time,you just have to respond in a way he'd actually look as stupid as he sounds. Understand?"

"Why are you the one telling me this and not Darren?".

She straightened herself up and said "well for one,you entered the girls restroom which i assumed was on purpose and two,you wouldn't listen to any shit he'd say. Am not saying you should forgive him that easily, he was also an idiot for not speaking when he was supposed to. Give him an hard time but not too much,he deserves it" She let out a comforting smile which made me smile too.

"Come on,let's go show them who the boss is" She stretched her palm towards me with that smile.

She wanted me to hold her hand,i held her hand and walked outside with her.  My hand started feeling sort of tingling and warmth, it felt protected by the hand wrapped up in mine,I felt protected.

I stared at our entwined hands and smiled a little too wide "what are you smiling about?" Allison asked with a little smirk noticing where my gaze had gone to. A blush tainted my skin "N...nothing" great,am stammering,I must look like a big fool right now.

She nods and we entered the cafeteria which went quiet when the students sighted us,maybe me.

I felt myself wanting to hide behind Allison with the way everybody was staring at me but she held my hand tightly and gave me a reassuring smile.

We stopped in front of those boys,Darren was there with a new shirt and his head was bowed. Yes,wallow in guilt and shame.

"Lex,do you have something to say?" Allison asked.

Lex?? That's new and i like it.

Taking deep breaths,I said "Yes i do..." breathe in,breathe out "You all are piece of shit with toothpicks for penis and a gummy bear for a brain" I looked at Allison and she smiled,her eyes twinkling.

The boys were dumbfounded and some girls even gasped. I felt proud of myself,Allison turned us away and we walked out again.

We went to English class,it was empty since everyone was still in lunch break "How did that feel?" She asked.

"Great,their expressions was priceless but won't Richard be mad at you".

"I don't care" we sat on the desks in complete silence.

"Thank you" I whispered. She looked over to me with a smile which meant she heard me. Her smile was beautiful and pure.

This was actually the closest I've gotten to be with her,although we make small talks when we were sitted together in cafeteria, it was purely because of cheerleading,so this was progress but that didn't change the fact that during practice, she behaves like a bitch to everyone.

The bell rang and students started filing in,we came down from the desks and went to our various seats. Tiana came inside running towards me "Deets,now" She ordered, in her hand was a starbuck cup.

We walked to our seat while i told her the story of what happened "So you were alone in the restroom with Allison,I wish i was there" She said with a dreaming look. I stared at her amused at the only thing she caught on during my whole story.

"Does that mean you both are friends now?" .

"I don't know but am going over to her house to work on our project" Tiana's mouth flew open when she heard that.

"So let me get you straight, I mean gay...so you had a moment with my crush and now you're going over to her house without telling me. How dare you betray me?" She yelped than dramatically placed her head on the table.

"Girls,be quiet or you're serving detention" Shit,the teacher was already in class and she was talking to me and Tiana.

"Yes ma'am" We chorused and the teacher went back to teaching.

"In where did i say we had a moment. Girl,am straight and i have a boyfriend".

Tiana rolled her eyes "everyone's a bit gay" She shrugged.

"Well am not,am as straight as a spaghetti".

"A spaghetti bends once it's wet"

"Stop,am not gay" I yelled.

"Thank you for clearing that up Miss Armstrong" The teacher said with a unamused smile.  I bowed my head in shame not wanting to meet anyone's eye.

Curiously, I looked up to Allison and she stared at me back with an amused glint but soon she broke the gaze and looked back at the teacher. I was so embarrassed and didn't speak till the class was over.

A/N: This is practically the last chapter am going to post until i start getting some views,votes and comments.

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Bye for now

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