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Everybody collapsed on the floor,tired and worn out from the excessive training but there was only one person who hasn't dropped an ounce of sweat from her body and still looked as fit as always even though she was in the same practice as us.

Allison Hathaway. Our team captain.

With her arms akimbo, she stared down at the rest of us clicking her tongue "Good work girls, practice tomorrow, same time" She said and we all sighed in relief.

We've been at this for almost four hours now and my legs are sore,I don't even know if i can even walk home or even drive without pressing the wrong pedal or something.

An arm slung over my shoulder, i tensed up a bit but relaxed seeing it was my best friend Tatiana "You look pretty tense"she quipped.

"Yeah,maybe it's because of how much of a bitch Allison was today"I complained resting my head on tiana's shoulder in exhaustion.

"I don't know,she looks so hot in that uniform today" Yep,she's gay.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Allison, coincidentally she was staring right at me or at least i think it's me. We stared for five more seconds before she broke it and went back to talking to the rest of the team.

Thick wadle of saliva slide down my throat "She was definitely checking me out" Tiana said with a squeal.

"Yeah,she was definitely checking you out...Let's get out of here" I put my whole weight on her and stood up"Girl,what have you been eating" Tiana complained taking my hand and standing up also.

I ignored what she said taking it as a rhetorical question, we passed by Allison and her squad of friends. This time she didn't stare at us,or at least me,she just did like she didn't see us.

Well,that's how it has been ever since we joined the cheer squad,we talk during practice mostly about moves we don't understand and when we were outside of the cheer,we talk only when necessary with some his and hellos in-between.

Tatiana and i both head into the locker room and got changed, we decided to bath when we're home. It's something we do everytime we cheer,i mean,we have only six washroom and we can't wait for every body to bathe before our turn.

I dropped off Tatiana and drove to my home,it was already some minutes past six,so the sky light was dim. Nobody was home when i got there,on the kitchen fridge was a sticky note which says.

"Coming home late,there's some food in the fridge. Microwave it and stay safe. Love you,mom and dad" I read out loud,I removed the sticky note,squeezed it and threw it in the thrash.

In the fridge was some mac and cheese, i microwaved it and took it up to my room. It was quiet and i was loving it,I was somewhat used to it and it gave me space to think.

I began eating while on my phone,i was texting with Darren,my boyfriend. He was best friend with the star player on the football field, he was also a player too. The star player was Allison's boyfriend which made it impossible not to see her since she's sometimes with him and me with Darren but that didn't warrant for unimportant discussions between us.

My phone rang,it was Darren. I smiled shooking my head before picking up "We could have continued texting" I said amused.

"Yeah,we could've but i wanted to hear your voice after such a long day,it's like your voice is my medicine" His voice was husky and deep.

A blush appeared on my face,i couldn't see it but I could feel the hotness on my face "So cheesy,could you be any more cringe?".

"For you,I can be anything"

This guy!

"I have a feeling that you're blushing, could it be true?" He added.

"Whatever, how was your match today?" I asked diverting the topic. He sighed "Same as always, just trying to do our best for the competition".

Oh right, the competition between the schools in our city that takes place one every four years. That's the reason Allison was being a bitch in school,we had a competition of sports the following month. It was based on football,baseball,Softball,cheer,dance etc.

Our school was known for always taking the runner up no matter how hard we practiced. I had been in cheer for over three years now,since my sophomore year and now i can finally participate in the competition because am in my senior year.

"I have a good feeling this year,we'll definitely bring the trophy home" My optimistic behaviour made him chuckle "I hope so. How was cheer today?"

"Same as always" I copied his answer and he chuckled again "Allison was not being a bitch today?" He asked.

"Do you even need to ask,she stressed my body,soul and spirit. Am physically drained".

"I can't say i feel ya,she was always so sweet to me whenever am around". I rolled my eyes "You're her boyfriend's best friend while am her teammate and her boyfriend's best friend girlfriend. There's a huge difference" I said as a matter of fact.

"I got to go,my mom is back with my siblings and you know how troublesome they are"

"No,I don't.  They're pretty nice and adorable" I wasn't lying,the first time i came to his house,his brothers and sister didn't exactly talk to me but with time,I figured how cute they were.

They were all below the age ten,with the only girl age age 12. Whenever i come visit,i always feel welcomed among them including his mom. His father was late leaving their mom with all the responsibilities but she never for once made them feel unloved and she made sure to be available during any of their big moment.

She was nothing like my parents who had only showed up to the parents teacher conference twice in my school life and even during my cheer,the space reserved for them are always empty.  So i got used to them being absent in my life.

"Am the brother,you're the brother's girlfriend.  There's a huge difference".

"Byeeeee" I hung up after he imitated me. I was done with my mac and cheese. Oh right,I need to have my bath.

That night, i slept later than usual hoping my parents will be home early but by eleven o'clock, I gave up and slept.

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