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I was done with cheer practice after three hours of torture,this time,I made sure to have my bath. I just felt extra sticky today,i didn't know why.

Tiana had gone home immediately after practice since she brought her car today and she claimed that she didn't want to disturb the sexual energy that may go on between me and Darren in the car by being a third wheel. That girl is crazy.

After wearing my spare clothing, i went outside to wait for Darren. I had texted him that i was done with practice twenty minutes ago since he wasn't answering his phone.

My legs were wobbling since cheer practice and now I've been standing here for twenty minutes dialing his phone number over and over again.

I should have probably rode with Tiana after all,by now i would have been alone in my room listening to sad depressing music or eating.

A car parked in my front, a car that looked familiar. The tinted window whined down and the person's face was visible. It was none other than Allison.

How come this girl keeps popping up everywhere i am now? Or is it the other way round?.

"Get in" It was like she hypnotised me because i opened the passenger seat and got in and without saying anything, she drove off. "Darren couldn't make it so he asked me" She answered without being asked,not like am complaining.

"He could have called me instead" I mumbled but she heard me.

"Yeah,he could have" She shrugged.

"Where do you live?".

"24 Greenwood street" She gave a nod and began driving there.

The ride was silent but it was comfortable with her being there, i stole looks and sometimes catch her head facing the road back which means she was also staring at me when i wasn't paying attention.

"Thank you" I said getting off the car.

She gave a subtle nod,i went inside and that's when i heard her car drive off. Was she waiting for me to enter before she drove off.

That was so nice of her, it made my inside flutter in whatever feeling i felt.

There was another sticky note on the fridge,same message.  I opened the fridge and saw four slices of pizza,i microwaved it and took it to my room when i was done.

I didn't text Darren and he didn't either, guess he was to busy to text his girlfriend,hmp. I don't care.

I turned off my phone and began to eat my pizza silently while listening to the chirp of the crickets. Startling, a face was etched in my mind. A soft smile,back length brunette,golden eyes that looks likes brown when you're far away.

"Argh..."I held a pillow to my face and laid on the bed kicking my legs everywhere.

"Chris Brown,Jason Derulo..."I started mentioning all the cute men I've had a crush on growing up. "Okay,good. I like boys,yes,I do" I repeated it like a mantra six times before finally believing in it.

"Honey,we're home" I heard the front door close,my parents were home. It was rare to see them home so early. I wore my oversized bunny slippers and went downstairs to greet them.

Surprisingly, it was only my mom that was there and nobody else. My dad hasn't closer from work yet because it was always the two of them that comes home together.

"How was school?"


"It's work alright" I chuckled lowly at the comment. "Have you eaten?" I gave a slight nod.

She sighs "Good,I have a bathtub with my name written on it" She went up the stairs but something isn't right,I can't place .y finger to pinpoint what was wrong but it was definitely there.

I didn't go back to my room,i sat on the couch and turned on the TV even though i knew that i wouldn't actually watch whatever is going on. I just needed some noise in this damn quiet home.

My legs were raised to my chest and my arms wrapped around them, the different lightning reflecting on my face in the dim room.

Isn't this cozy?

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